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Change of Seasons
09-23-2003, 7:57 p.m.

Today is the first day of Fall. Wow� I can�t believe it, it seems like just yesterday that it was the first day of summer. It�s amazing how quickly this summer went by, how quickly this month went by. On Sunday, Stephen said, just think, a week ago, I was picking you up, and I stopped and thought about it and said, wow, it actually feels like it was a month ago already. I can�t believe how quickly I got back in the habit of life, and how quickly things went back to normal. Life is funny that way.

Good thing Fall is my favorite time of the year, I don�t even mind that it�s the first day of it. I love Fall, everything about it, and I look forward to seeing what this season has to bring.

I had a really good day today. I talked to Cory about my dilemma for Sunday, and being the kind of person she is, she encouraged me to do the family thing. My heart is heavy, because I can honestly say that I would much rather be at her family shower, but when I told Stephen that I was going to go with him, he was really very happy. He does feel so bad that I have to miss Cory�s thing though, and I could tell that he wishes that it was a different situation for me too. He is so good to me, and always encourages me to do the things that I want to do, and so it feels good in a way to be able to be there for him for something that obviously means a lot to him. It just sucks when doing the right thing doesn�t make you feel so good.

I had a good day in other ways as well, and I had some really great conversations with friends, conversations that I came away feeling so happy about. I like days like today. So, so far, this season is proving to be a good one, hehe. Hey, I will take it.

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