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Must See TV Returns
09-25-2003, 8:27 p.m.

Stephen got about 6 cards and letters from me in the past couple of days, all ones that I had sent while I was on my cruise. I can�t believe how long they took to get here to him, and they are pretty anti-climatic now. How funny. For a while there, I think that he didn�t believe me when I told him that I sent so many. Okay, so he did believe me, but man, talk about snail mail.

We got done with a major project at work today, which is really a huge relief. I still have a lot of stuff going on there, but at least I can stop worrying about the grant application that was due today. I tell you, I always complain when I am so stressed, but I realized tonight that I almost enjoy it. Not the stress, but the end product. I really am proud of all the work that I put into it, and the best part is when they are actually funded, and I get to know that part of it was my doing. I really do love my job, I guess that I am lucky in that manner.

Must see TV is back! Woo hoo. Honestly, some times it is nice to have a break from having so many shows that you want to watch, but I missed them too, and look forward to catching up. Only people who are as addicted to these shows as I am can understand how exciting it is� so if you are a person who hates TV, quit rolling your eyes, you just don�t get it, hehe. Thursdays are such a busy TV night for me, I think most everything I watch is on one night.. it does make for a long night. I *am* working on some of my projects while I watch tonight, so yay about that.

Also, I had the best day of working out that I�ve had at the gym in a long while, so that felt good as well, and my eating was much more in control today too. I don�t want to jinx it but maybe just maybe I am starting to find that right track again.

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