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Visiting Laughlin
09-26-2002, 8:53 p.m.

Visiting Laughlin...

September 26, 2002

Thursdays are dinner with the in-laws night. I really look forward to it, I enjoy going over there to visit with them every week, and I know that they look forward to it as well. Tonight was no different, and we had a great time. Liz made smoked butt and cabbage for dinner which I totally love, and looked forward to all day long. She even made tons extra and sent it home with us, so now we have dinner for tomorrow night too, hehe. Stephen and I are planning on leaving work early tomorrow and we were going to go to PF Changs for dinner, but now that we have dinner here, I am hoping to talk him into taking me to the movies to see Sweet Home Alabama instead. I really want to see that, and I know we are going to PF Changs when Tonya is here, so I would rather go to the show, and eat our leftovers.. hehe.

When we got to their house tonight, Liz was looking on the computer for some information on hotel rooms in Laughlin. They all really want to go spend a night there while we are in Vegas. At first, I was a little iffy, I really kinda wanted to just stay in Vegas and not move around, but it really seemed to mean a lot to them, and while we could have stayed behind, I thought about it and I really would rather go, and I am sure that I will enjoy it a lot. So we booked a night at the Harrahs there in Laughlin for one night. The Dam and Lake Meade are on the way there from Vegas too, so we are going to stop at all those places, and that is something that we REALLY wanted to do, so it works out. Besides, we said that we wanted to see different things while we where there this time, and it will be fun. They have all gone to laughlin before and they really loved it there, and since we are going to Vegas for 4 nights, it is a good time to take a small trip in there. The more I think about it, the more I am looking forward to it, smile.

Tonight is show night, and I was excited all day long about the shows starting. I can't wait to watch Friends (we taped it while we watched Survivor) and I am going to watch it after ER which I cannot wait to watch either. I love Thursday nights, hehe. I have decided that Thursdays are going to be my day off each week from working out too.. since it just works out, and it's nice to have a set day off. Survivor was great too, and next weeks looks really good.. again I must say I love Thursdays!!

Daily Tidbits

  1. Stephen took me out to lunch today which was very nice. I do so enjoy doing things with him. I guess you could say that is a good thing.
  2. I want to get into work early tomorrow because we are going to try to leave at 2:30. Tomorrow is this ceremony at work for 2nd year students, but they cancelled afternoon classes because of it, so it's a good time to take the afternoon off. He said maybe about the movies, but I bet I can talk him into it.. or at least I hope I can.
  3. 8 minutes until ER.. goodnight!!

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