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10-09-2003, 8:39 p.m.

Stephen had to drive his department�s secretary to work today. She doesn�t live all that far away from us, and she has been having car problems. Her husband has been driving her and picking her up, but he had a meeting this morning, so she called last night and asked if she could ride with us. Her husband would drive her here, so it wasn�t out of our way at all. I had to be in a little bit earlier this morning though, so Stephen decided to wait for her, and I went off on my own. I had been at work for a while, when the phone rang. I answered it a bit distracted, and when I heard that it was Di (up-above mentioned secretary), and she sounded upset, I wondered what was wrong. She told me that Stephen got into an accident, and that they were only a block from work, and I needed to come.. that was it.. no that they were okay, nothing. I rushed out and got over there pretty quickly� only caring to hear that Stephen was okay.

Luckily, he was totally okay! A little freaked out, but not hurt. Noone was hurt and that was the most important thing of all. Turns out that he was just driving along, about a block before work, and this lady decided to make a left hand turn in front of him, without looking to see if there were any cars there.. she looked to the right, but not to the left, and barreled out into the intersection and right into him. She was so upset, she got out right away saying that it was her fault and she didn�t look, which was pretty obvious. She got a ticket, and we filled out the police report. She called me within an hour with her insurance claim number and told me that if I called them that they would arrange things right away. I didn�t even have to go through my insurance with it at all, which is a good thing, but still it�s been a pretty stressful day.

We probably won�t hear anything for a day or two, but they seem to think that there is a strong possibility that the car is totaled. How they know that without looking at it first is beyond me but it has something to do with questions they asked and points assigned to my answers. I guess we will see what happens. They are willing to pay for a rental car, but we are waiting to hear how long it will be before we get ours back� if we get ours back.. before we decide what we are going to do. In the meantime, it�s just a matter of waiting to hear what is going to happen.

Stephen feels so horrible, even though it was in no way his fault, but these things really shake you up. Like I said, and I keep telling him, the only thing that matters to me is him. I am so glad that he wasn�t hurt. I am glad it wasn�t his fault though, because it makes him feel so much better, and also, let�s face it, it would have been even more of a nightmare if it had been. These things happen though� and they are not on purpose (thus the word accident), so what can you do. Just get through it, and be grateful that it wasn�t a lot worse.

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