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Making a List About Me
10-14-2002, 1:49 p.m.

Making a List About Me...
A Random Acts of Journaling Collaboration

October 14, 2002

Note: One of the prompts, this month, for the Random Acts of Journaling is to make a list using a certain phrase. There were a few to choose from, and it took me a few minutes to pick which one that I wanted to use. You are able to use one, or all of them. I have chosen to use... "I am...". I often take the time to list the good things about others, but rarely do I think about my own good qualities. I am going to do so in this entry. I am not, by any means, a conceited person, but yet sometimes it is good to take stock of our own attributes.. so here it goes.

I Am...

I am...basically a good person. I might not always do the right thing in my life, but I do, for the most part, try to. I try to think about the consequences of my actions, before I do them, and I live with those consequences without trying to avoid them, most of the time anyway.

I am...a caring person. I care about people. I care about the people I love, but I also care about people I don't even know. I remember this time when I was just a little girl. We were driving in the car, and there was an accident up ahead. I don't remember where we were going or why, but I can remember so clearly getting up to the accident and seeing an old man laying there, with paramedics working on him. I cried that day, for hours my mom tells me. I wanted to know if he was okay and what happened to him. I care about what happens to people. I try to do little things to make the people I love feel special and happy because I care very much how they feel.

I honest person. I try very hard to be honest in all of my relationships, sometimes too honest if you consider that it hurts the feelings of those I love at times. I believe in honesty though, and I believe that in order to have a good relationship with anyone, you have to be truthful and true to that person. I know that there are some things that are better left unsaid, and I do try to live by that, I am not a mean or spiteful person, and I try to use good judgement, but I do believe in honesty and I try to live by that belief. Sometimes I gossip and sometime I say things that I shouldn't, and I even tell white lies at times, and for those things, I am sorry.. but I don't think those things make me a dishonest person...I believe that there is a difference.

I am...intelligent. I am not saying that I know everything because I am smart enough to know that I do not, but I would say that I am intelligent. I might not always be knowledgable about things that are going on around me, but I at least try to stay up to date. I pick up on things taught to me pretty easily. I am very good with computers, and am often looked upon at work to help others. I can follow directions and can teach myself to do things pretty easily.

I am...generous and thoughtful. I like to do things for people that I care about, and try to do so often. I think it's important to be generous and thoughtful. I think it's important to do the little things that mean something... By generous, I don't only mean generous with money. I am generous with my time, and also with my love. I am generous, and I come by it naturally. My mom is one of the most generous people I know.. but oh yah, this is supposed to be about me.

I am...persistant. When something is important to me, I stick with me. Once I make my mind up to do something, I usually do not quit. I keep going until I get it right. I don't like to quit.

I am...motivated with becoming healthier. I think that alot of these overlap, but this is something that has been very important in my life for the past 9 months. I don't always do perfect with it, but even on my bad days, I don't think about quitting. I want to be more secure about myself, and to feel better, and yes, I even really want to look better. Some might call it obsessed, and yes, maybe in a lot of ways, I am obsessed.. but let's face it, there are worse things to be obsessed with, lol.

I am...human and as such, I am not perfect. There are exceptions to many of these things, and I often times do the wrong thing. I am sorry for the times I do the wrong thing, and while it's not always easy for me to admit that I am wrong, I do try. I am the first to admit that I can be overly sensitive and defensive. I am critical of myself and I don't take compliments very well. I do, however, try to see the good in everyone around me, and I give credit to everyone, maybe even those who do not deserve it. That is not always a good thing, but I think that most of the time it is.

I am sure that there are things that I missed, that I will think about later. This was a very hard entry for me to write, but I am glad that I did. I challenge you to leave a comment on this entry, and list some of the good things you are... it's nice to think about yourself in that way! Do it, even if it's only to list one attribute. Please, leave a comment!

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