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Megan Marie
10-11-2002, 2:17 p.m.

Megan Marie...

October 11, 2002

I have a new niece, she was born today to my brother and his significant other. Megan Marie is her name. I can't wait to see her, and I can't wait to talk to Brian to see how he likes having a baby sister. Congratulations to my brother and his family. I can't wait to meet my new niece, and to get to know her. They called me a little before 6 this morning to tell me. I woke Stephen up to tell him, and when I told him her name, he said good.. I said why good? Because now I don't have to worry about it.. lol.. See, Megan is actually a name I really like and would have liked to name a daughter, but Stephen never wanted to use that name, so now he knows I won't even want to... lol. I just think a cute nickname is Nutmeg.. so that's what I am going to call my new niece.

So, I am having a wonderful time with the girls. I hate being at work today knowing that they are all having fun without me. I will be home in a few hours though, and then we can really start having fun since we will finally be all together. Cory wasn't there last night.

I stopped on the way to the airport yesterday, and bought some flowers for Tonya and a teddy bear for each of the girls. I stopped at home to see Stephen (who had taken the day off of work), but I was so antsy, I finally just went to the airport to wait there. I love people watching at the airport.. watching people we are crying as they say goodbye and crying as they say hello to their loved ones. I could sit there all day long and just watch. It's cute.. finally, I saw my own loved ones coming, and they couldn't get there fast enough. I hugged Tonya, and the girls were so cute cause they just got right up in there too. It means so much to me to know how much they love me, I love them. I gave them their gifts, which they really liked, and I am glad I got for them. We were all talking a mile a minute while we waited for their luggage.. we had so much to talk about.

After we got back to my house, we left the girls with Stephen and went to do the grocery shopping. I am so glad that I waited to shop until Tonya was here. Instead of being a chore, it was actually a lot of fun. We were looking for all the deals, and we were pleasantly surprised to see our total, it was a lot less that we thought it was going to be.. woo hoo. We had fun running around the store looking for everything on our list though, and like I said, I am glad that we got to do it together. We got back home, and Tonya put most of the groceries away while I was cleaning out my cabinet.. I haven't been shopping much lately (for food anyway, snicker), so I was able to move all of the food onto two shelves and then have a whole area just for the stuff for this weekend, which was kinda neat since it will be easy for everyone who is cooking meals to find what they neat without having to have me come find it. See, always thinking, hehe.

Tonya helped me finish up getting dinner ready, while Stephen played games with the girls. He totally loves them, and had so much fun playing with them. We had to finally make them quit so we could set the table and then we had a wonderful wonderful dinner, yum. Potroast with mashed potatoes and gravy, rice and peas.. it was good. Jen and Nicole didn't get there until a little later, so we saved some for them.

When they got there though, it was fun. Maddy and Rachel were so anxious for Nicole to get there, and they were practicing how they were going to hide. When she did come, and I called *chrissy and june* out, they all came out crawling under a blanket. I was cracking up.. when they popped out, Nicole just kinda looked at them.. I was wating for her to get really surprised, but she just seemed dumbfounded, lol. It was cute. They had a great time all catching up and playing all night, while Jen, Tonya and I had a fun time watching the Thursday night shows... Hey, I wasn't giving up watching them!! LOL. Besides Tonya watches them too.. Jen, well she is from a different planet, one that doesn't understand TV, giggle.. but she at least pretended for us. It was a nice relaxing evening, and then we all headed for bed.

Cory will be there shortly now, and I can't wait to go home and get there myself. We are going to just hang out tonight and play cards. It will be fun, just being together.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I knew that I wouldn't be able to workout later, and I didn't want to lose the momentumn that I have had going lately, so I brought my stuff to work today, to workout here. Okay, it's been so long that I can't even remember my locker combination... lol.. I am not even kidding.. good thing I had everything I needed in my bag. It felt strange to workout here again.. I am glad that I did though. It felt good.
  2. When I went to show Tonya today that the scale was saying 180 now... I got a little surprise.. it was 179!! I wanted to cry, I was so happy. I totally re-weighed myself like 10 times just to make sure it was 179, and it was each time. I can't believe I hit the 170s, that is just so exciting. I am sure that after this weekend, I will be back in the 180s, but now that I have made it to the 170s, I know I will work hard to get there again, hehe.
  3. Tomorrow... I get to see Skates!!! WOO HOO!

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