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Change of Plans
10-09-2002, 3:13 p.m.

Change of Plans...

October 09, 2002

Cory and I were talking this morning, about this weekend of course.. it's the topic of choice right now, giggle.. and we started wondering, how did we pick to have this weekend at Jen's house? Not that we have anything against Jen's house, I love it there, to be honest, but everything we are doing is much closer to my house. The airport Tonny is flying it/out of is 5 minutes away, Cory is an hour closer to me than Jen, the wolves game is closer, etc.. so we started wondering if it would be possible to switch things around. I guess I didn't really think it would be possible, seeing as though Tonya is going to be here in less than 24 hours now... but I decided to call Jen and ask her what she thought. She was agreeable on moving it, and then it just all sort of fell together from there. Amazing, we just re-planned a whole weekend, in a couple of hours with no muss and fuss... wow, how'd we do that?

Tonny is on her way to TN today.. so she doesn't know yet, but she really is not going to care where it is, so we are not worried about that. However, now tonight I need to clean my house and go do the grocery shopping that I was not thinking I would need to do, lol. In some ways this adds a lot of work to my schedule, but in others it takes works away, because now I don't have to pack, and worry about forgetting a million things. I am really happy about how it is all falling together. It just makes sense, and gives us even more time to just spend together, and that afterall is the point of this visit.

I have to leave in about 25 minutes for the faculty senate meeting. I have been so busy planning out the weekend, that I haven't even had time to be nervous about the meeting. I guess I do feel much more secure about these meetings now. Hopefully this won't be a super long one because I have so much to do at home now. You would think that having so much to do at home would keep me from going to workout tonight, right? Nope, I am going to go. After my bad workout yesterday, I am really hoping to get back into the swing of things tonight. There is a lower body toning class that I am going to try out. I am afraid of classes a little now, I seem to hit and miss with them.. maybe I am just not the class type of person, but I really don't want to give up just yet. I decided to just take a bunch of different classes until I find something that I want to stick with. Eventually I have to find SOMETHING, right? Besides, I am not sure how much I will get to workout this weekend, so I should get some workouts in while I can. Wonder if I can talk the girls into using my free W3 passes one day... LOL. Okay, so probably not, and really it will be nice to have a few days off too... well sorta.. today I was down to 180, and I don't want to lose the momentum I have going either. I bet if I got up early in the morning to go workout, they wouldn't even miss me, lol.

Stephen was cute when I told him that this weekend is at our house now.. he said, WHAT??? I just went from a bachelor weekend, to having 9 girls around!!! Man, how did that happen? But he was just teasing, he actually seems quite happy that it's going to be at our house now. Jen is going to leave the boys home with Don, so Stephen is planning lots of time out for himself, lol.. no boys allowed at our girly weekend. Penn State (his team) is playing Michigan (his brother's team) on Saturday, so Kevin had invited him over to watch the game anyway, so that will get him out for a bit. This is going to be such a fun fun weekend.

You would think that with all the stuff I have to do tonight that I would be stressed.. but for some reason, I really am not.. wonder why.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I am going to try to take down my halloween decorations tonight. I might not be able to get them all out, but maybe I can at least get out enough to make my house look all festive and cute. Halloween is one of my favorite times to decorate for (well besides Christmas) so I have tons and tons of decorations. Man, wish I could take off work tomorrow to get everything done during the day, why couldn't my boss be gone one more day.. lol.
  2. Maybe since Tonny loves shopping soooo much, I will save the grocery shopping to do tomorrow after she gets here... hmmm, that is not a half bad idea, and that will give me a ton more time to get cleaning and decorating done tonight... can you hear the wheels turning? We have a list, and besides, I want them to tell me what the kids would like to eat for lunch on Friday and dinner on Saturday anyway... and since we don't have to drive all the way out to Jen's house now, we can do that... wonder if she would mind, giggle.
  3. I am so very excited about this weekend. I just know we are going to have such an awesome time... such a wonderful wonderful time. I am so grateful to have friends who mean so much to me.

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