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Deep Breath
10-08-2002, 9:21 p.m.

Deep Breath...

October 08, 2002

I can't believe that Tonya will be here in 2 days.. and that I only have the rest of tonight and tomorrow night to get all my stuff packed and ready to go to Jen's. Man, this snuck up on me, and I have tons and tons of stuff to do, and I am working hard to get it done, but going to bed late and getting up early is starting to make me pretty tired.. but there are a lot of things that I want to do, and I just have to work to get them done then. I need to stop and take a deep breath once in a while, lol.

My workout tonight sucked! I was so excited about taking the aerobics class tonight, and got there in time for it.. but then I realized that it was a different instructor tongiht. No biggie, I get in the class and start warming up with them.. then she starts having they do moves that I had never seen before.. and really quickly too. I couldn't keep up for anything, and it wasn't much exercise for me since I was stopping to figure it out every 2 seconds... so I eventually gave up and went and got on the treadmill instead. I felt pretty bad about myself, and I just didn't have a great workout. Oh well, I guess they all can't be good.. and I need to realize that there are some instructors I can keep up with and other's I just shouldn't try yet. Still, it's disappointing.

I went to get my hair cut after my horrible workout, and that was a bad experience too. My hair turned out alright, but they were busy, and my appointment just got all messed up and I had to wait for like 40 minutes. I so wanted to leave, but I so wanted my haircut too, so I sat and fumed instead. Once she started cutting my hair I calmed down and was fine though, so it was ok.

Now I am trying to get stuff done, and trying to spend time with Stephen too since I will be leaving him for a few nights.. man I so hope I don't forget anything. I am soooo tired. I really should just go to sleep and finish this stuff tomorrow.. I have the faculty senate meeting tomorrow, and I won't be home until late, and I will still have to go workout after that.. ugghhh.. sometimes I wonder if all this working out is even worth it. I know it is... just sometimes, it is so much work, and takes up so much time. I guess I am just in a complaining mood tonight.. deep breath Vic, deep breath.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Stuff is really coming together with the faculty senate stuff. I am not even nervous about the meeting tomorrow.. what a change from just a few months ago, when I stressed about it so much. I am glad that it's getting easier though.
  2. Did I mention how much I have to do? LOL.. I can't think of anything else but that... I am off to do some of it.. sitting here isn't getting it done... g'nite.

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