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Been Sickie
10-24-2004, 7:38 p.m.

I've been sick this week... bad cough, and just not feeling well at all. It was one of those weeks where I would go to work, come home and spend the rest of the evening in bed, falling asleep before 8:00. I am starting to feel better now, although still a little dragging. At least I've not spent today in bed.

We had lots of plans for the weekend, but I ended up not doing any of them. Friday night, Stephen, Ton and I were going to go to Fright Fest after work, but it was supposed to rain and Stephen didn't want me outside in the rain. After getting walking pneumonia last year from a similar cough, he has been pretty strict this time. I was dissapointed though, at first. By noon I was feeling horrible and just wanted to go home. So I finished my work, and ended up going home by 2 that day. I came straight home and went to bed... so needless to say I didn't miss going out. We pretty much just hung out and watched movies. Saturday I was supposed to go to the pumpkin patch with June and Chuck, but when we got up it was pouring.. and although that eventually stopped, again Stephen said that he didn't want me to go.. not that I couldn't.. he never tells me I can't do something, but he really felt strongly about it. I felt bad for disappointing June, but she really didn't seem to care when I called.. I guess she didn't want to go out in the rain either, hehe. Again, we spent the day just laying around, although I did get up and work on some cards at one point.

I am making sets of greeting cards for people at work, as Christmas gifts, and I have a lot to make, so every chance I get, I try to sit down and make a couple. I figure this way I will be done before I know it. I counted them today and started putting them into sets of 8, and I really am impressed with how many I've gotten done, and more importantly how cute they are.

Today I went to Stephen's game with him, and then we stopped at his mom's for a few minutes. I made the most adorable birth announcements for Kev and Nicole to send out, and I wanted to give them to them. They LOVED them, and that was a huge relief. I am so glad.

The rest of the day we've spent just working on crafts and hanging out. It's been a very relaxing weekend, and I am glad that I am starting to feel better.

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