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Happy Halloween
10-31-2004, 11:01 p.m.

Happy Halloween to you and all your ghost and goblins. Hope that your day was as nice as ours has been. We got up early (not realizing that it was even earlier, as time changed last night. I forgot about all of that), but I was glad to have that extra hour. I would have gotten up early anyway, as I went to bed last night around 8:30. I didn�t mean to, but I was so exhausted from the day at the stables that I sort of just fell asleep. Well, too, my antibiotics and cough medicine have been making me so sleepy all the time, so it�s really no surprise. Thankfully Tonya and Stephen were around to keep June busy, hehe.

June was excited about getting into her costume, so while I sent her to take a bath, I ran to Walmart with a CD of the pictures from yesterday. I had a lot that I wanted to get printed to take to Kevin and Nicole today, from yesterday and also pictures of Konner from the last few times we�ve been over there. I also wanted to have a bunch for June to take home to show Sherry, Chuck and Chrissy from her big adventure yesterday.

After I got back, we all had breakfast and started getting ready to go to Stephen�s basketball game. Ton even ran back to pick up the pictures for me which was a big help as I was busy getting June ready for the day. She was a seattle seahawks cheerleader and she looked so adorable. I put her hair up in pigtails with blue and white ribbons, and got her glitter for her hair and face. She was so excited, it was cute.

We went to Stephen�s game and then all over to my MILs house for the afternoon. We got to spend time with a lot of the nieces and nephews and to see their costumes, and they all looked adorable. Kathleen was snow-white, and she looked so cute.. Konner was a football player, Timothy a gorilla (how adorable), James a Ninja, Amy a pirate. The older kids were off with their friends so we didn't get to see them, and Kevin didn't have his older kids this year. Kathleen didn�t want to get her costume on when it was time though, she was too busy playing with her horses that we bought her. She loves them, and Nicole told me that she had to take one of their houses (as she calls them) and several horses to bed with her last night. She keeps talking about how aunt Vicki took her to the horseys, and that just makes my heart smile. They all loved the pictures so much because you can see just how excited and happy she and June both were. They turned out great.

Stephen took June trick or treating while we hung out with his parents and siblings. It was a fun afternoon, and we stayed to eat dinner with them. We eventually headed home though where Tonya and I took June trick or treating again. She ended up with bags and bags of candy (Sherry and Chuck should have fun with her with that for weeks to come, she is a candy freak). They didn�t pick her up until almost 10:00 so when she was tired of trick or treating, we came back and let her pass out candy (Stephen was glad to give up that job, I tell ya), and just hung out watching TV. It was a fun day, and the weather was so perfect, and we all just had a nice time.

Now I am going to bed, I am exhausted. What a perfectly fun weekend it�s been. Couldn�t ask for better than this. Well, I could... but I won't even go there.. some things are just not worth thinking about... I really felt so very sad for Tonya all day, not being with her kids. I could tell that she was so sad about it and there was nothing I could do. I think that it helped her to have June around to share things with though, and to be around all the rest of the kids, but well.. okay I said I wasn't going there... lol.. that and I wish I had my own little ghost or goblin... but life gives us only so much and I am going to be happy with what I have, its all good.

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