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11-05-2002, 8:26 p.m.


November 05, 2002

I guess it's time to make a list of priorities and start getting back on track with things. And also, time to stop beating myself up over the things that I can't get done. I can't do it all, and I need to accept that, but as it stands now, I just get overwhelmed and then I do nothing, and that is the worst thing. It's easier said than done, but I really should start getting up in the mornings and getting my workout done then.. at least a few mornings a week, because it would open up my evenings more. It's just so hard to make myself get up early to workout, but maybe after doing it a few times it would get more easy. I would start tomorrow, but I really like the lower body toning class that I've been taking on Wednesday evenings, so I think I should stick with that one. LOL, likely story, right? Seriously though, as much as I bitch about it, I enjoy that class.

With the holidays coming up, there are lots of crafts and stuff that I really want to work on. I have a habit of putting too much on my shoulders, but if I try to just do a little each night, maybe I will get something done. After I am done writing this, I am going to organize a few things, and start thinking of things I need to do. Maybe I won't get to do everything, but anything I do get done, will be a good thing. I should start with cleaning this room, lol.. I don't know how these things get to be such a mess, but they sure do. Maybe Stephen will want to come in here and watch Spiderman with me while I work on it.. now that would be nice.

One of my priorities should be spending quality time with him. We've been on each others nerves a little lately, and we need to work through that. Our anniversary is Friday, so we have plans for the whole weekend... that should be a good start. It's not like we are fighting or anything, just.. well you know what I mean, or at least you should.. I think everyone gets in those sorts of moods. I just like it better when they pass, hehe.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I decided also, to not worry so much about how long my entries are. I love to write everyday, and I sit and try to think of things to write about so that the entries are longer, but I guess what matters is just writing, not how long the entries are. That will be better anyway, because then I won't be writing about boring stuff that noone wants to read anyway, hehe.. you know like this, lol.
  2. Today was yet another busy day at work.. everytime I think things are calming down, I need to stop and think again.. I guess I just need to face it, I have a busy job... and honestly, for the most part, I like it that way.
  3. We didn't go vote this morning, gasp.. Stephen kept saying one more minute when I woke him up.. and he one minuted his way into having to vote after work, snicker. He was cracking me up the whole day.. he couldn't wait to get to vote. That's my guy, what a goof he is, lol.

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