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One More Minute
11-06-2002, 2:50 p.m.

One More Minute...

November 06, 2002

That is the response I get from Stephen every morning when I try to wake him up. Now granted, I don�t like getting up anymore than he does, but how come he gets to be the one laying there having me wake him up. You should see him on days he has exams, and has to be to work at a certain time.. then he is nudging me 20 minutes before the alarm goes off� get up.. get up.. we have to get up, lol.

This morning, he didn�t want to get up at all, so he told me to go on ahead that he would meet me at work. Now normally I would be like, are you sure.. or come on, let�s get going..but since I knew that he has late labs on Wednesday, I was quick to go before he changed his mind, lol. Now I get to leave earlier tonight than he does.. hehe, so there (sticking my tongue out).

Tonight is my lower body toning class, and I want to get some more crafts done. I started on an ornament last night, and while I did not get a whole one done, it was nice to get started. I had to clean my room first so that took a while too, lol. Hey, you can�t do crafts in a messy room, there is just no way. I have to be organized before I start or I just can�t do it. There are a bunch of Christmas crafts that I want to work on, so I figure I better get moving on them. I am contemplating making tree skirts for my SILs for Christmas, with pictures of their kids on it. It would be a lot of work, but I really think that they would appreciate them too.. it would be special, ya know. I am going to start looking at materials and stuff for that and see how it comes along.

Well now Stephen tells me that he can go home early today after all. LOL, okay, so that didn�t workout the way I planned it. Actually I am glad he can� we are going to pick up dinner and watch spiderman together, and then I will go to my class and stuff. We have plans to hang out together this whole weekend too.. I am looking forward to that a lot.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I can�t believe that in 2 days, Stephen and I will be celebrating our 11th anniversary.. man, time flies.

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