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10 Years!!

10 Years!!

November 08, 2001

Happy Anniversary to Me and my Stephen! 10 years ago, we took the day off of work, and went downtown to elope. We stood in front of a judge and Stephen tried to say "I Do" 10 times before he was supposed to and we laughed so hard that we couldn't even look at each other for the remainder of the ceremony. 10 years ago, we went to Harrey Carrey's for lunch, and Stephen found out that he lost the money that was in his pocket somewhere along the way (good thing my parents met us for lunch and were offering to pay, giggle). 10 years ago, I married my best friend, and while the years have not always been kind, they've for the most part been good, and I am happy. Very happy. I am still so much in love with this man, maybe even more than I was 10 years ago. I can't imagine my life without him, nor do I want to.

9 years ago, we got married in the Church, and had the big wedding and all the stuff that goes with it. That day really stands out in my head and in my heart. It was such a special day, one that I am so glad that we had... but it doesn't touch the same day 10 years ago. The day I promised to love and cherish the man that promised to share my dreams and my tomorrows. The man that holds me when I am sad, cleans up after me when I am sick, smiles at me when he catches my eye and loves me thru anything. The man that I hope to spend the next 10 years with, and the 10 after that, and the 10 after that. My Stephen, My love!

We are going out to dinner tonight straight from work. We are going to one of our favorites, Cucina Roma..yum. I am so looking forward to it. Of those few moments when we can sit at the table and smile and each other and talk about the good memories of the past 10 years and forget about the bad. Marriage is not all good, but the bad makes us appreciate the good even more. I am happy, I am in love...

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