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Another Busy Weekend

Another Busy Weekend...

November 09, 2001

when quite honestly, I would have been happy to be home with Stephen. I haven't had much time to just hang out with my mom lately. Part of the problem is that she isn't happy with me just coming to visit for a few hours, she seems to always want me to stay for the whole weekend, and while I like staying and spending time with her, there is just so much other stuff that I have to do too. Besides that, contrary to popular belief, I really don't like being away from Stephen on weekends all the time. Once in a while is okay, but all the time gets old really quick. Still, I have really not made time for mom in a while, and so I can't very well tell her that I couldn't this weekend as well....and it will be fun.

Cory is coming to pick me up from work. She will be here in about an hour or so... then we are going to go to dinner and scrapbook shopping for a bit. I haven't bought much scrappin stuff lately, but then again, I haven't been scrapping much lately either. I am so going to need to start catching up soon. Perhaps if I could get Sherry's Wedding Album done, it would make a good Christmas present for her. I can't really afford scrappin stuff right now either, it's time to start putting all extra money toward Christmas presents, but still it is fun to look and maybe I can pick up a few small things that I need... like the 2 letters to my alphabet that broke... I do need to replace those. We are going to go to dinner too, which will be lots of fun. I haven't gotten to spend time with Cory in quite a while, so this is something that we really needed to do.

Cory is going to drop me off at my mom's later, and then I will spend tonight and tomorrow night with her. I am not sure what we are going to do, but i am sure that we will have a great time...we always do. My sister might be there for the weekend too, and while I am not looking forward to that, I have resigned myself to making the best of it. I do love her and I do want her to be a part of my life.. but I am so not ready to let the past be the past yet. Someday, but not yet.

Sunday, Cory is either going to pick me up (or if my Dad goes and buys a new car Saturday as planned, Stephen and I are buying his car from him as a second car, in which case, I will follow Cory). We are going to meet Jen at Maggiano's (YUM) for lunch and then we are all going to Jess' house for Diedra's first birthday. That should be a lot of fun and I am glad that I am going with Jen and Cory. I went and got Diedra a cute little present last night too, so I am all set for that.

Speaking of last night... It was a wonderful night. Dinner was so yummy and Stephen and I really had a great time. We sat and talked and talked and laughed and stared at each other. We talked about some of our best memories and some of our worst... we were talking about our favorites from things like our marriage, our weddings, etc... he was pretty vague about his favorite memory from our wedding though, and I really didn't think much of it at the time.. but later on... he came and got me from the bedroom, and led me into the living room with my eyes closed...when we got in there, he pushed play on the CD player, and our song began to play... I opened my eyes and found that there were candles lit everywhere!! We had a wonderful dance.. and he whispered in my ear... My favorite part of our wedding day was holding you in my arms for the first time as my wife... awwwwww... it was such a wonderful moment.. Man, I am going to miss him this weekend... hehe

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