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November 11, 2001

I had a wonderful weekend, a really nice one. I did a lot of fun stuff and enjoyed myself very much, and will write all about it tomorrow. Stephen and I are watching the Seahawks/Raiders game together right now, and I am trying hard not to fall asleep.

Stephen's team is the Raiders and mine is the Seahawks, so as you can imagine, it's not a pretty sight tonight, especially since the score has been going back and forth all night. We are both talking crap, and being positive that we are going to win. We make a bet on these games of um, uh well a sexual nature... hehe, so we both really want to win.

Stephen bought me a Seahawks Jersey for my birthday and he had gotten me a hat for Christmas so I am all decked out in my Seahawks stuff right now and we are really having fun joking around and stuff.

Okay.... hehe, we stopped and fooled around during the last part of the first I guess that there will be no pay-off tonight for whomever wins... hehe, we just couldn't wait. So the loser gets to pay up tomorrow...

pssttt... that's going to be Stephen paying up!

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