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11-11-2003, 10:18 p.m.

Ugh� Ugh� Ugh. Really that is all I have to say tonight. Ugh.

Okay, I will say a little more. Sometimes things are really such a mess. I have not been talking a lot about Tonya or her situation, but sometimes I just really need to come here and vent... this is after all my journal, right. Well this whole situation is just such a mess. I feel so bad for her, I know that this cannot be easy for her on any level� but then I just can�t help but be angry sometimes� angry that she won�t stick up for herself� angry that she won�t take a stand and make the right decision. Then again, who am I to say what is right and what is wrong, especially for someone else. But I care� I am her friend, and I have been trying to be there for her. I know what she wants, and in a lot of ways I know what she needs� and I just wish that for once she would have the courage to stand up for herself.

Again, I say.. Ugh!

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