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11-10-2003, 8:20 p.m.

Today has been a day.. lol.. what kind of day I still am not sure. It definitely had it�s ups and its downs. I guess that makes it a well-balanced day� lol, sure that sounds good.

Cory began her maternity leave today� no baby yet though. Man, I knew that I would miss having her around to yak with, but I really never realized just how much I talk to her every day. It is going to be a long few weeks. I got used to Jen not being around as much though, so maybe I will with Cory too. We�ll see.. and if nothing else, at least I will be getting a lot of extra work done. Maybe I better not go overboard there either.. hehe. Actually, I am a really hard worker and I get a lot of work done each day, I just like to joke about it being otherwise. It�s all about keeping that balance after all.

Now if I could just get my food intake balanced again� then I would be set. Hey, I am doing much better with the working out thing, I guess I should be glad for that.

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