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Must Get Sleep
12-06-2003, 10:05 p.m.

We all stayed up all night last night, hehe. I am not even exaggerating, we did not go to sleep until almost 5 this morning. We talked Stephen into watching Harry Potter with us (a movie that for some reason he has really resisted watching, as he thought he would hate it, but we talked him into it, and it was already a bit late when we started). Then when it was over, we started out telling goofy stories about TV shows� like making up things about old shows and just being silly. We were all cracking up so much that none of us were able to go to sleep. We finally all just dropped around 5 this morning. It was really funny actually.

Tonya and I wanted to get up to go to Yoga, and I thought that started at 8, but we didn�t get up until 8:30 so I thought we missed it, but it turned out that it started at 10:30, so we were able to have breakfast and then head to the gym. I had a really great workout while Tonya took yoga. I was able to watch her a little bit and I have to say, I am so very impressed. I am not kidding, she has really come so far from being this girl who was so afraid of going to her first class, and then struggled through the first few. She was easily the best student out on the floor, and I was so impressed watching her. Man, I could never get my body into some of those positions (said with much jealousy).

When we got home, we started working on some crafts, and I took my car up to the car place a few blocks away to get my brakes done (I hate that I had to do that a couple weeks before Christmas, but my light was on, and I had to take care of it). After my brakes were done, and we were able to walk up to get the car, we both laid down to watch Harry Potter 2 with Stephen, and fell asleep before the opening credits were done. We both took a 2 hour nap, which was much needed.

We were going to go shopping tonight to get our stuff for tomorrow, but we are both pretty out of it from being up so late last night, so we are just watching football and working on our crafts. We even ordered pizza because none of us really wanted to cook, lol. I remember being able to stay up all night and not be affected by it, but I guess those years are gone. We are going to have to get up in the morning and do all our cooking, and we want to even manage to make it to the gym for a workout too. I am really looking forward to tomorrow. We are having our *friends* Thanksgiving meal at Jen�s house and everyone is coming. I can�t wait to see Andy, hehe and get to cuddle him a little bit. Chrissy is bringing her boyfriend with her too, so that is going to be interesting if nothing else, hehe. And more than anything, we are all looking forward to our meal, it�s going to be yummy!

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