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Men's Meat Pie
12-07-2003, 7:47 p.m.

Today was soooooooooo much fun!! We really had such a great time. I love when we all get together, and sometimes I wish that we had more opportunities to do so, but really it makes it even more special when we get to.

Tonya, Stephen and I got a little bit of a late start, because today was his first basketball game of the season, and I told him that he should go. I am so glad he did too, because they won, and they beat the team that won the championship last year, so that meant a lot to him. Besides, we were not very late at all, so it was just so worth it.

It was so good to see everyone, Jen, Don and the Kids, Sherry, Chuck and the kids, Tonny and her girls, and Cory, Jim and Andy, okay it was especially nice to get to cuddle with Andy, hehe. He is getting so big and so very cute. I still can�t believe Cory is a mom, it just really is so magical. I am so happy for them.. so very happy.

Jen gave them the picture that she made for them, and it was so beautiful. I am so proud of Jen, she is just so very talented. Cory loved it too, you could just tell. I also gave her the quilt that I made for Andy and I stitched his name and the date on it, it turned out so cute. Oh, and today was Don's birthday (Happy Birthday Don!!) so Tonya and I bought him an ornament, but ugh, we didn't check the box, and when he went to open it, it was EMPTY!! I was dying. It was funny, although I was pretty embarrassed too.. ugh. They say it's the thought that counts, but ugh, lol. I am going to take it back tomorrow to get him the real one, hehe.

Our turkey dinner was so wonderful. It is so much fun sharing our traditions, and getting to eat the things that everyone normally gets to eat on Thanksgiving. It was just so yummy! Everyone did such a great job cooking. Tonya forgot to make her minced meat pie though, hehe� although since the rest of us hate it, that was okay with us (sorry Tonny). I was cracking up though, when we realized it, because I yelled to Cory� Ton forgot to make her minced meat pie� shucks� and June says� isn�t that for boys anyway? I said what honey? She said� Men�s meat pie� isn�t that just for boys. I about fell on the ground was one of those cute moments.

After the food was eaten and put away, we just spent the rest of the day hanging out together, which is always the best part. It really was such a great day. I am so glad that we did this, it was fun. Oh yah, and Chrissy brought her boyfriend too, which was cute. She is really growing up, but man does she have a mouth on her. I can�t believe the way she talks to her parents, but that is a totally different story.

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