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The Appointment
12-09-2003, 2:47 p.m.

I was so nervous when I got up this morning. I must have jumped out of bed, and then just sat there for like 5-10 minutes wondering what the heck I am doing. I think Stephen was nervous too, but that really kind of helped me, as I knew that I was not alone.

We made it to the appointment a little early which was good, because I missed some paperwork that was supposed to be filled out (hehe, oops) so they had me do that, and by the time I was done, they were calling us back.

I am so glad that I went with my instinct and went back to this RE. She is as sweet as I remember, and she remembered us too, which was really comforting. It was a good appointment all in all. There were some things that I didn't like hearing, one being that she thinks that IVF is our best option. However, she did listen to my concerns and agreed to do at least one if not a couple cycles of injectibles and IUI. Before we make any decisions though, she wants to do another HSG to check to be sure that I do not have any blockages in my tubes from the ectopic. That hurt so bad the first time around, so I am not really looking forward to it, but I know it's important.. I mean why go through any of this if it's not going to work in the first place, hehe. So we are going to use the rest of this cycle, and all of the next to get done the things that need to be done (preliminary tests and all of that) and then we are going to make an appointment to see her sometime before our next cycle (which should be the end of January or so), and then go on from there. I like the timing of it, as I really didn't want to do anything through the holidays and plus it gives me time to adjust to it all. All and all I am really pleased, and honestly the more I think about it, the longer I have to get used to it, and the more excited I get.

Oh, and I asked her about my working out and stuff. She was so impressed with my weight loss and she really thinks that it is going to make a big difference. She said that she encourages me to continue, and that was a big relief to me. She said that there are going to be times in my cycles where its going to be harder to do so, but if I take it easy during those times, I will be alright. She asked about my routines, and she seemed to think that none of it will be a problem. It really is mostly low impact stuff to begin with. I have a feeling though, that working out is going to relieve alot of the stress from going through all of this, something that I did not have last time around. I would like to think that it will make a difference. I hope so anyway.

I wrote more about the appointment in my TTC journal, so if you are interested you can read it there. I just wanted to touch on it here though too.. it is such a big part of my life right now, so I am sure that I am going to be writing about it a lot. At least once our treatments start anyway.

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