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Our New Year

Our New Year...

January 01, 2002

Happy New Year! Ours has been very nice. Last night we went to Jen's for dinner and to ring in the new year and it was so much fun. It's the first time that we haven't done it at my house in a while, and it was actually very nice not to have to worry about getting everything ready, especially since I am still not feeling totally great.

Sherry and Chuck were late getting there, and I was a little annoyed at that. Sometimes Sherry just frustrates me so much with her nonchalant attitude about everything, and I felt bad because Jen obviously went to so much trouble to make this so nice, and I wanted it to be perfect for her. Still, she didn't seem to mind their tardiness and Stephen says that I just worry too much. If it were at my house would I have been upset that they were late? No, probably not, but that is neither here nor there. We fed the kids before they got there, and then when they arrived we were able to sit down and eat without worrying about the kids, so I guess in the long run it worked out nicely.

We played 3 games of pictionary and had so much fun doing so. It was the girls against the guys and we beat them 2 times. It was so much fun and we were cracking up for most of the night. A little before 11, we took Disney Trivia into the living room to play with the kids, and that was fun too. We called Tonya at 11 (her midnight) and celebrated with her for a few. She called us back right before midnight and celebrated with us. It was nice. About 10 minutes before midnight, we decided to get the champaigne ready, giggle... Don eventually opened it with pliars and we were all laughing so hard. One of Jen's good BBQ forks didn't make it thru the night, poor thing, hehe. Still we made it to midnight with champaigne and had a nice time ringing in the new year. I talked to my mom and dad a little after midnight, and they were so sad that they were not able to come (they are both pretty sick, and contagious and we just didn't want to catch their infections). Cory also called which was a wonderful surprise since I wasn't expecting it. I was so glad she did, and I felt so happy that I got to talk to her and Tonya and my was such a great night. We left Jen's around 1, and I was sad to go, but knew that if we waited any longer, I wouldn't want to make the drive. I hope that Jen knows what a great time we had and how much I appreciate all her hard work making it so nice.

The girls wanted to spend the night there last night, so I left them, and planned on picking them up today. They wanted to stay again though, which was nice, so I will pick them up tomorrow. I miss them, but I am so glad that they are having a good time with Jen and her kids. Honestly, I still haven't been feeling great, and took some vicodin earlier which makes me sleep, so I spent most of the day in bed again anyway, and it was nice knowing that the girls were being well taken care of and having so much fun. Jen sent me pictures of their day and they look so happy. I can't wait to see them all tomorrow! I can't believe how much time I've been wasting sleeping the past few days...what a shame to end my vacation this way, but I guess it can't be helped. I guess I just so hate being sick, I am not a good patient, that is for certain. Oh well, time for another pill, and back to bed. The only good thing is that I've had tons of reading time...and I am on the 4th Harry Potter book already. Great books, I am so enjoying them.

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