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New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve...

December 31, 2001

Less than 12 hours left of 2001. Man, I cannot believe that it is almost 2002. Where does time go? I am really looking forward to great things from 2002...LOL, that sounds like a good plan to me.

I had an okay night. I slept pretty good for most of it, but I woke up about 4:30 in agony again. I got up and took another pain pill, and eventually I was able to fall asleep again. I felt okay when I got up around 9:30, and I still feel alright, although a little achy...I am going to take some pain pills with me to Jen's tonight, just in case.

I am really looking forward to going to Jen's tonight. She has been working so hard to make it nice for everyone and I am so proud of her and can't wait to ring in the new year with friends. My parents were going to go as well, but they are pretty sick, and going to stay home instead. We had invited Cory and Jim too, but they are going bowling and to dinner with some friends out by their house. Jim is on call, so they can't go far, bummer. Sherry and Chuck will be there though, and as we spend every new year's eve with them, I am glad. It's going to be a good time, and we are taking some fun games to play. Jen is making tons of food, so I haven't been eating today, in anticipation of all that she will have, giggle. I better take some bowls with me to bring home left-overs, giggle.

Well, time to go make the deviled eggs for Jen's. I already made my spinach dip..yum... we are going to eat well tonight. Happy New Year's!!

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