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Last Day...

January 02, 2002

Today was my last day of this particular vacation. Man, it's funny how quickly vacation time flies. I guess that I could bitch and moan about having to go back to work, but the truth is, I don't mind work. I don't like the having to get up part, especially when I've been sleeping in for the past week and a half, but beyond that part of it, it's not a horrible thing. Only 2 days of work, and then I get 2 more days off. No, vacation being over is not that bad... now when the girls have to go back home on Saturday, that is going to be harder to deal with than this.

I had a horrible night sleep last night. I really do hate pain pills as they make me feel so loopy and sometimes they really make me dizzy and sick, and this was the case last night. Of course, it was that or pain...what a choice... they both suck. I was still so tired when it was time to get up this morning, but maybe that was a good thing as I am so tired now, I might actually get to sleep at a decent time tonight. So this morning, I did a few things around the house, and I headed out to Jen's to pick up the girls. I was glad to see them, and glad to see Jen again. She was joking around and said that it feels like we took a vacation together as we have gotten to see so much of each other these past few weeks, and ya know what? It's nice to just be able to do that and not think about it. Nice to not have to ration our time or make the most of every second...nice to just have moments that can be for nothing at all but being together. My only regret of this vacation time, is that I didn't get to spend more of it with Cory and with my parents. I got to talk to Cory for a bit today, and that was nice. We had a nice conversation and she told me something that really made me happy. I will wait until she decides to write about it, since it is her news to tell, but I really am happy about a decision that she made.

Anyway, I spent most of today at Jen's. I watched the kids while she went to get her legs waxed, and then when she got home we played games and just hung out. She beat me at all the games today, she said I must have been *off*, but I think she wins more than she thinks she does, LOL. I did feel bad because I really was kinda out of it. I am still feeling rather crappy and I wasn't in much of a mood. She cracked me up though, because she said that when I am sick, I don't look or sound sick. Hmmmmm, maybe I better work on that. Still, I am not really sick, just in pain. I know that I was not much company today, but the nice part was that it didn't matter. We were just us, being us, and spending time together, and there was no need to entertain anyone or to pretend to be more than what we were. I think that we are starting to really get used to being closer together now.

Well, it's almost time for me and June to go to bed. I am so trying to get them back on schedule before they go home too. June will sleep until noon if you let her. Chrissy is watching a movie with Stephen, but they promised me that she would go to bed when it is over. Still, she is older and deserves that. Besides, she doesn't give me as hard a time about getting us as June does. June so reminds me of Sherry... she is the hardest person to wake up too... well maybe not as hard as my brother, but we won't even go there...

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