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Just Miserable Me

Just Miserable Me...

January 03, 2002

The first thing my boss says to me this morning is, I didn't think you were coming back until Monday. Hmmmm, wish I had known that, I was so debating staying home this morning anyway. I am miserable, there is no other way to put it. I wish that I just felt better, but I don't, and to top it off, I totally feel like I have another UTI on top of it all, hell, I know I do. I have been suffering with it for days now, and it just cannot be the stones, it's more than that.

I called my doctor's office today, but of course he is overbooked. I left a message, and they are going to look at my chart and get back to me. Hopefully if they can't see me, then they can at least get me started on antibiotics, there has to be some relief for this somewhere down the line. I just feel like laying down and crying, I just want to feel better, is that so much to ask? Did you know that staring at the phone doesn't make it ring any more quickly? Believe me, I've tried all morning, and it's just not working.

Let's see, what is going on in my life, other than this horrible pain? Tonya is back home, yay. We missed her so much. She got tons of snow yesterday though, giggle... better her than me. She got to spend a little time chatting with us this morning though, so that was good. I was glad. Cory, on the other hand, has been offline most of the morning. I hope that they come and take care of whatever they are going to take care of on her computer and let her get back to the regularly scheduled program. Man, that was the only good thing about coming back to work today, and that's not even working out. Jen is off cleaning and letting the kids play on the computer, so I am sitting here all alone...noone to take my mind off of the other stuff. Man....

Chrissy just called. June says she doesn't feel good.. uh huh, right. June's problem is that I woke them up bright and early today, with the instructions that they are NOT to go back to sleep. June has been sleeping until noon every day and was not thrilled when I made her go to bed at 9:30 last night. I finally put her in bed with me, and as soon as I was almost asleep she tried to sneak and turn the tv on. Didn't work. But she tossed and turned in bed, and snapped and clapped and did every other thing she could do BUT go to sleep for half the night. So she wants to go back to sleep now, and she thinks that by saying she doesn't feel good, I will tell her to go to sleep. Nice try kiddo! I am tired of getting yelled at by Chuck because they won't get up for school after the've been to my house. Nope, not going thru that this time. Bad enough that Sherry and Chuck are picking them up on Saturday because of it (they need a day to get ready for school, lol). Nope, she is staying up...and she is getting up tomorrow morning as well.

You would think that coming back to work after being off for almost 2 weeks, that I would have tons of work to do, nope... just don't. Guess they were all slacking all week too, LOL. I could catch up on email, but man, I really am just miserable...somebody want to shoot me and put me out of my misery?

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