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Christmas Stuff Put Away
01-02-2004, 10:20 p.m.

I had such plans of being productive today� well productive outside of the house that is, but instead I ended up spending the whole day at home, yet again. Stephen pointed out that I�ve barely been out of the house since Christmas, and he is so right about that. Man, going back to work is going to be a bummer for sure.

I was productive at home at least, and managed to get down the Christmas decorations, put them away and pull out all the stuff that we have to put away each year to make room for said Christmas decorations. I�ve managed to collect quite a few decorations over the years and as such, it�s quite a time consuming project. I used to keep them up for a couple of more days into January, but I�ve really come to like having it done before I get back to work, as I am usually so tired for a couple of days after that.

Speaking of going back to work, that is going to be so hard!!! I don�t know how it always seems to happen, but we have gotten our sleep schedules so backwards. We have been staying up half the night watching movies, and then sleeping most of the morning away, which is totally a fun thing to do, but hard to get back to normal when it comes time to go back to work. I *have* to make June get up early the next few mornings though, or Sherry and Chuck are not going to be so happy, hehe� she is horrible to get up in the best of circumstances hehe.

Hey, it�s been a great vacation, what can I say!!!

What was not great however, was the loss TN took today in the Peach Bowl.. Now that� sucked!

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