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Doing Nothing
01-05-2003, 6:15 p.m.

Stephen asked if we could have a lazy day today, and do absolutely nothing, and I really liked that idea a lot, since we have to go back to work tomorrow and life has a way of catching up to you then. I did want to get up and workout though, since I told myself that I was going to start getting back on track today. I wanted to try to make it to teh 9:30 aerobics class, which meant getting up before 9, which was another good thing. I made it in time for the class, which was an hour long, and then I even walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes, so overall I had a great workout. Nice way to get back on track.

When I got home, I took a shower and then made breakfast for Stephen and I. I am already having trouble eating in the mornings again, so that is going to be something I am going to struggle with come tomorrow. Still, I know how important it is, and so I am going to work at it. I know this won't be easy, but it is so rewarding to be headed in the right direction.

Stephen planned to lay around and watch football, so I thought I would work on some scrappin stuff, and then watch TiVo or read my book. However, somehow I got caught up on the computer, and have spent most of the day here instead, hehe. First I chatted with Tricia for a while, and then Cory and finally Jen. It was nice, since I haven't had a chance to talk much to any of them lately, and I have been missing that. It's not like I really had anything else that HAD to be done, so it was nice to just sit and goof off.

Things are falling together for the wolves game for my birthday next weekend. I didn't think that we were going to go, because it just wasn't working out, but all of a sudden everything has just fallen together, so I am going to order the tickets tomorrow. It is going to be so much fun, and I am really looking forward to it very much. I have been going to a Wolves game for my birthday every year for the past 4 years now, and it is something that I enjoy a lot. I am really glad that my friends are all willing to do that with me, it makes it that much more special. I can't believe how close my birthday is now, hehe. Stephen says that it doesn't matter how old I get, I will always be someone who loves my birthday, and he is right about that. It's one of my favorite days of the year, giggle.

Back to work tomorrow... man, that is going to be a rough one. Hopefully I am able to fall asleep at a decent time tonight. I have a bad cold going on, maybe I should take some nyquil and help things along, hehe. That usually knocks me out, and it will help with the cold too, I think that is a good idea.

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