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Happy Birthday to Our Dads
01-08-2003, 10:10 p.m.

Happy Birthday to My Dad and to my FIL. I have always loved that they share a birthday, it's just kinda unique that Stephen and I have dads with the same birthday. We are going to celebrate with my dad next weekend, when we get together with my family for dinner to celebrate the January birthdays (Dad, Krystal and Me). I am sorry that I didn't get to see him today, but they just live too far to just run over, so we will wait and celebrate when we get together. Tonight we went over to have dinner and cake with my in-laws.

Nicole had to work, so Kevin was there with the baby and Gerald is working nights right now, so Michelle came with the kids, and Delores and John didn't come, so it was a pretty small group. We had a nice time though sitting around talking. James had picked out the cake for pops.. he said that pops would like a Lilo and Stitch cake, so they had gotten an ice cream cake with Lilo and Stitch on it. It was cute, especially James helping blow out the candles. James, of course, kept the Lilo and Stitch characters for pops.. afterall, someone had *to take care of them*. We hung out for a while, and then headed home.

I had a pretty rough day today. I was really crabby and down. I cheered up late in the afternoon and had an okay evening, but I am really tired and sorta out of sorts still. Stephen told me to run to Kohls and look for a pair of jeans to wear Saturday, and I tried some on, and some were even cute, but they just were not what I wanted, so I decided to just wear my old jeans and maybe go to Fashion Bug tomorrow to pick up that cute shirt I saw last week. Well, when I got home, I tried on the jeans I bought last night, and they are a tiny bit looser tonight. I was able to sit in them without feeling like I was going to die, so maybe just maybe I will be able to wear them Saturday afterall. I sure hope so, because they look adorable on me. I am going to really work on having good days until then. So far I have had 2 great days with my eating. I have not had any snacks in between meals and I've been drinking my water. I know I can keep it up, I just hope that there is enough time before Saturday to make a little difference. The pants are not tight tight, just when I sit down, so its not like I have to lose 5 lbs to wear them or anything, a pound would make a huge difference. I can do it.

I am so back to baby steps lately. I really want to get back on track, so I am going back to the beginning and re-learning everything I learned a year ago. Sometimes that is what you need. Luckily my friends are all working on getting back on track now too, so we get to do this together again, which makes the world of difference. The time that I succeeded the most, was the times that they were doing it, and we were talking about it with each other alot, so I am glad to see us really talking about it, and working at it again. Baby Steps.. look where we are a year later... we can work some more, and be even further next year, or we can just give up and be back to where we were last year. Personally, I don't want to go backwards. Forwards is the only way to go. We can do it girls.. I know we can.

I woke up late this morning because I forgot to set the alarm, duh. I decided to go do at least a 40 minute workout since that was all I had time for, but when I got outside, it was so nice out, that I decided to walk outside today. Since I didn't have to take the time to drive to and from the gym, I was able to walk for a whole hour too, so I had a full workout afterall, and it felt really good to be outside. It is supposed to get cold again tomorrow, so I am really very glad that I took advantage of it while I could. Sometimes it just makes this fresh, doing something new for a day. I really love walking outside, it was a little chilly but not bad at all. Got the blood pumping, hehe.. plus it added some miles to my road to 500... yay.

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