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New Layouts...

January 09, 2002

I was so busy today at work, still am actually (as I am not leaving here for another half an hour), but sometimes I wonder if I just make myself busier by playing around so much. Okay, I don't wonder, I know, LOL.

I spent some time today working on new layouts for Jen and Tonya today. Jen did a really cute wintery one, which I love, and Tonya has a new Valentine's Day one which is soooo adorable too. I love that I get to help them with their sites, it really is a fun thing, and I love doing it. I know that they could totally do it on their own, but it really means a lot to me that they ask me to do it anyway. Tomorrow we are going to work on Cory's. She still has her Christmas one up, which was so pretty, and she only used for a little while. Maybe we should save it in case she wants to use it again next year, LOL. I changed the title of this one so that I could keep it until after my birthday, but then I am going to put up a Valentine's Day one for me. I already have it picked out and set up, I just don't want to change it quite yet. I love this one alot. I am going to save this one, in case I want to use it again sometime. It's been my favorite so far, which is saying a lot since I've liked most of mine.

It's been a pretty productive day though. I really got a lot done work wise, believe it or not. I have soooo many huge project going on right now, and my desk is pretty much cleared for the day. I am just waiting to go home because Stephen has a late lab. I know that I will have tons of work to do tomorrow and I already know what some of it is, and I could be working on it, but honestly, I am so ready to go home and sometimes it's hard to work when you just want to go home, know what I mean?

We have to start really cleaning tonight, for the weekend. It's not too bad, since we did a lot before Christmas, but still when you are having everyone spend the weekend at your house, you want it to be the best it can be. The Wolves are on TV tonight too, so I know that we are going to want to watch that as well. I am sure it will all come together.

Speaking of coming together... we really ironed out a lot today on our plans for Friday. I thought that we were never going to agree on how we should work it out, so I am glad that everyone walked away happy with the new plans. The best part, I get to do my grocery shopping that day, and don't have to try to fit it in tonight or tomorrow, woo hoo. I am so very pleased with that, so very. I know that we are going to have the best weekend and have such an awesome time. I so cannot wait for it to get here, and then when it does, I want time to slow down and go reallllyyy slow. I don't ask for much do I?

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