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Getting Ready

Getting Ready...

January 09, 2002

I am soooooooooooo tired!!! I got a whole lot done tonight, but I can't believe how much more I have to do. Did I say that this was going to be easy???? Yah right!

Let's see, I dropped Stephen off and home, and ran out to get a few things at the grocery store and stopped and bought yet another present for Jen, Cory and Tonya... I will be soooo glad when we finally exchange our gifts on Friday, then I can stop buying! I couldn't resist though, LOL. (Speaking of presents, hey Kristen, I swear you have one coming, it's been on back order, LOL... but it's supposed to be shipped shortly, and I promise it is worth the wait!). I came home and got all the gifts wrapped and under the tree. Of course, I had to take all of my already opened presents that don't have homes yet, out from under the tree. I stacked them up on my desk, and they are just going to stay there until I put the tree and other decorations away. I did get the rest of the family room clean though, and got the girls and my clothes all put away (Stephen was happy about THAT). I also got the bathroom done, and then I came in here and got the bedroom pretty much done. Stephen is going to change the sheets and stuff tomorrow, or Friday morning. Let's see, I still need to clean the kitchen (well it's pretty clean, but I have to mop and scrub the counters and that fun stuff, clean the fridge, yuck), and I need to vaccume and then comes the hard part, my brother's room. UGHHHHH, but it has to be done, since people need to sleep in there. You would never be able to tell that we just cleaned it at Christmas, it is already a dump. I love him, but boy he is a slob. I told him that they were coming, do you think he might have taken the hint and cleaned??? YAH RIGHT! No, he put more stuff in there. What am I going to do with him. Thank god, we agreed to go grocery shopping togehter on Friday, there is no way I could possibly fit that in as well.

I am not worried though, it's all going to work out. The good news is that Tonya got everything worked out on her end, and is feeling much more relaxed about it now. She was worried about the girls getting off to school on Friday and Monday since Mike has to work, but they figured it out, and now she is excited instead of worried. I am soooooooo glad for that. This is going to be awesome.

Did I mention that today is the first day of my Birthday week? Giggle. Yup, the 9th. Because now my sister and my dad and T's dad's birthdays are done and mine is next. Stephen bought me breakfast to celebrate and I pointed out that even the gas stations were celebrating (gas was 1.13 everywhere, LOL). It was funny at the moment anyway.

We watched the wolves game tonight while I did all my stuff. THEY LOST, and not in a good way. They were up by 2, 2 times!! and ended up losing 5-4, how did that happen? I am so frustrated, it was a big game too. I sure hope they do a much better job this weekend! Although, I am sure I will have fun regardless...stilll....

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