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With a Vengence

With a Vengence...

January 10, 2002

Boy, the past few days, I had been feeling a little better. Not great, but with the pain pills it was controlled, and I could handle that. But this morning, the pain was back, and it was worse than it had been. I was in so much pain, and it was so obvious. My boss told me that I could go home if I needed to, and I am so grateful that he has been so understanding about this. I got in touch with my doctor, and he said that I just need to be patient, take the pain pills and don't over-do it. There is nothing they can do but wait for the stones to pass. I was fuming, I wanted him to do something for me.

I took 2 pain pills (per his instructions) and a hot bath. That helped a little bit, but not for long. The pain pills just made me sick, and I tried to sleep but I couldn't get comfortable at all. I was throwing up all afternoon and early evening. It was a horrible horrible day. Stephen got home from work, and he laid down with me and rubbed my back where it was hurting and that helped me fall asleep. I slept for a few hours and that helped a lot. I woke up, still feeling sick, but finally able to eat something and not throw up. I am also feeling pretty good right now pain wise... it hurts a little, but not too bad. I hope that it stays like this for a while.

I did some research on it, and everything my doctor is doing is standard, as horrible as it sounds... I guess that given the circumstances, there is not much they can do but wait it out. OUCH. I also read, gasp, that it can take up to 6 weeks for these things to pass. 6 WEEKS????? Cory said that she doesn't think she can handle this for 6 weeks, LOL. Guess I am not good with this, LOL. My poor friends have to spend the weekend with me like this?

Good news though, we have another friend (at least one, waiting to hear from the others) who is coming to spend time with us on Saturday, yay. I am happy, it will be fun. I can't wait to see Tricia. Hopefully Theo and Jess will come too.

So I didn't get my house as clean as I hoped to, and I hope my friends understand that and kinda ignore the mess, lol. It's not too bad, mostly the guest room. Although I do have to say... my brother actually cleaned it up. OMG, I was in shock. Of course his idea of clean is sooooooo much different than mine, but I was impressed, and totally proud of him. It was such a big help. Now if Cory, Jen and Tonya will ignore his piles all over, I will be happy. I will change the sheets and make the bed tomorrow, so it stays that way. I am so looking forward to this weekend. I refuse to let this pain ruin this for me. I refuse!

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