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Friday Five

Friday Five...

January 11, 2002

I have decided that I like answering these questions, and it's fun to remember some of these things, so I am going to try to start answering these every week. I also like to read what Dana and Leslie put in theirs. It is fun. So here is this week's questions...

1. What was your first job?

My first real job was at McDonalds when I was 16. I loved to babysit when I was younger, but I never considered that a job. I always hung out with the little kids on the block anyway, so their parents were more than happy to have me babysit them. Okay, back to McDonalds, I worked there for about 6 months, I think. The day I started though, my boyfriend at the time, Jeff came to see me with all his friends. My off-on again boyfriend all throughout high school (we were off at the time, I wasn't a cheater), Brian came to see me with all his friends too (he was trying to get me back at the time)� Okay, they all came at the SAME time. It was awful. Everyone thought I was nervous about it being my first day at my first job, but in truth, I was afraid that they were going to realize who each other was and a huge brawl start right there in the middle of the playland. Luckily, they stayed in different areas of the dining room and all was well. Phew, what hard work (the job, of course, snicker). One thing I totally remember about the job though, was being allowed to work until close on weekends during the summer. That was the coolest. Our manager would close us a little early and have us doing all the closing stuff before they closed so that we could get out of there fast, and then we would all go downtown to the 24 hour Rock N Roll McDonalds, LOL� don't ask, I don't know why it was cool, it just was.

2.How old were you when you had your first kiss?

I had plenty of kisses growing up� you know playing spin the bottle with your friends, and 7 minutes in Heaven (where you had to go into a closet with a boy for 7 minutes, lol).. but I think that the first real kiss that stands out in my memory would be when I was 12. I had a huge crush on Mark, who lived 2 houses down. He was my mom's best friends son and our families took a lot of vacations together. The summer when I was 12, we spent a week at a cabin together (our families) and Mark and I were swimming late one evening, when he pulled me under the pier and kissed me. I had visions of him being my boyfriend but when we got back home, it went back to him ignoring me and hanging out with his friends and making fun of all of us girls. Boys were so stupid back then. Of course I got even, when we were 14 and he asked me to be his girlfriend. No way! I had fun flaunting my then-boyfriend around him that summer, LOL. But oh that kiss�.

3. What was your first car? What happened to it?

I didn't get my license until I was 18. I was totally afraid of driving, and ended up quitting drivers ed when I was 16. My first car was a hand me down from my parents.. a black Ford something or another, LOL. A Ford Tempo it was. I had a lot of fun in that car, giggle. Let's see, a memory about the car.. when Stephen and I were getting serious about each other, I had someone do a really nice painting on the inside of one of the back side windows, that said Vicki & Steve or something like that� it was pretty. One night, my brothers took my car when I was sleeping (I still lived at home) and one took my parents car, and they went out hitting garbage cans with them (nice!). They got caught by the cops (unfortunately it was my uncle (yes, he was a cop) who busted them, because he just let them go, lol). He did call my parents though. I was so mad, and couldn't wait to get rid of my car after that. They didn't do any damage but I still didn't want it anymore, LOL. Stephen and I shortly moved in together and got married and we bought a Pontiac LeMans. The tempo sat in our garage for the longest time, and we finally junked it.

4. What was your first concert?

I didn't go to my first concert until I was 17. I went with a neighbor to see the New Kids on the Block. LOL, hey, it was a good concert. I was so excited and had the very best time. Believe it or not, I hadn't gone to another concert until last summer. Cory and I took Chrissy to see N'Sync. Guess I am doomed to only see those "Boy Bands". LOL.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?

Ohhhhh Man, we've got some awesome plans for this weekend! Let's see, Tonya is on a plane as I write this, on her way here, and Jen is on her way to pick up Cory. They (Jen and Cory) are going to pick up Tonya at the airport (I couldn't go, because I had to be here for half the day because of exam stuff, and because I feel guilty that I've been off so much lately). They are going to come out by my work after the airport I am going to meet them at Portillo's for lunch. (Can you believe that Tonya has never had an Italian beef sammich), and then Cory, Tonya and I are going grocery shopping and back to my house, to wait for Jen (she has to go home and get the kids and drop them off at Sherry and Chuck's for the weekend).

Tonight we are celebrating Christmas with each other, and exchanging our presents, which is going to be soooo much fun. I can't wait to have them open the ones from me. We are going to have a relaxing night and just enjoy each other. Tomorrow morning, Tricia is coming over (haven't heard from the others yet) for brunch and to play games. I can't wait to see her. We are just all hanging out. Then tomorrow night we are going to the Wolves game. I am soooo excited about Tonya's first game, hehe. It's going to be so much fun.

Sunday is my birthday!!! We have lots of fun plans, which include a Wolves game and a party at Sherry and Chuck's. I love my birthday, this is going to be the best weekend!

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