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One Year Today

One Year Today...

January 11, 2002

One year ago today, I wrote my first entry in this journal. Wow! I cannot believe that it's already been a year in some ways, and then in others, I can't remember what it was like to not write in here. It has become a part of who I am. When something good happens, I can't wait to write it down, and when I am feeling down, I can't wait to sort out my feelings here. I totally love looking back at what I have written and it really makes me feel good to read a lot of it.

Another thing that I totally love is that so many of my friends are keeping journals too. I just love to check them, and read what they write, and I learn so much about them this way. Things that sometimes you wouldn't even think to ask. Checking journals is probably one of the very first things I do when I get online each day. I just love checking and seeing that they've been updated.

So what has changed in my life during the past year? LOL, nothing. Okay, so a lot. I got to really meet and know Tonya and grew to love her so very much. I got to spend a lot of time with Cory and really grew closer to her. And one of my biggest hopes and wishes came true. Jen moved here by me. Ever since Jen and I became so close all those years ago, I always would say, if only she lived closer, I wish she lived closer... and then when the opportunity came up, it was like a dream come true. I almost couldn't believe it at first, it was so surreal. We've had to make a lot of adjustments in our friendship and learn to be friends in a different way, but it's been good, wonderful really, and I am so very blessed. The friendship that the four of us share is just amazing to me, and I thank God for it every day. I have also gotten a lot closer to a lot of my online friends this year. I am so thankful for them as well, and I know that they add a lot to my life. I hope they know what they mean to me too.

Stephen and I celebrated our 10th anniversary this year, and that was such a milestone for me. Especially looking back at our 7th year and how awful that was. We made it and are so much stronger. I love him with all my heart. He is my everything. Each year that we have together just keeps getting better and better. Life is good

I could keep going on and on and one, but I guess I should save something for other entries. I am very impressed though with how well I kept up with this. I have over 300 entries for the year (this is entry #349), which I think is just amazing. There have been a few days when I have written more than once (including today), and there have been a few days when I just haven't been able to write, but I think that I keep it pretty well updated, don't you? I look forward to another year, and being able to look back even further and see my thoughts and feelings here.

A special thanks to those of you reading this, especially those of you who keep coming back for more. What that says about you, I am not sure (wink), but I am glad you are here with me.

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