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My Birthday Party
01-12-2003, 10:04 p.m.

After all the time I spent worrying about last night, by the time it came, I really didn't care who showed up and who didn't. I was just really excited about the whole thing. I was so excited when I woke up yesterday morning, and as the day progressed, I became even more so. By the time Stephen and I left, he was laughing at me because I was babbling on and on, something that I tend to do when I am excited about something.

My outfit turned out so cute, and I really felt like I looked nice, which is always a good thing. Everyone really did look nice. Cory looked adorable in her outfit, and Jen looked so nice in her's too. Sherry has been losing weight and it totally showed, she looks great in the pictures, and Tricia is just so cute all the time. I think that there is something about feeling good about how you look that really just makes you feel good about everything else around you. I kept thinking about last year, and how awful I thought the pictures were. I kept remembering how I looked at the pictures after my party, and thought, I so need to do something I look horrible. It's amazing the difference a year can make. Ones that really stick out to me, is me opening my gifts. Last year, I looked at the pictures and actually groaned, this year, I was pleasantly surprised. When Jen was taking them, I thought to myself, this is the same bad angle that the pictures were taken at last year... here, see for yourself.

We were all meeting at Giordano's for dinner before the game, and Stephen and I got there just a few minutes late, and then Tricia, Cory and Jim behind us. Everyone was in great moods and we had a wonderful time. The pizza was great, although I really didn't eat too much. I was much too excited to eat, and that was probably a good thing with my jeans, hehe. Actually, they didn't really feel tight at all and I though that I would be partly miserable thru the night and I really wasn't, not at all.

I was so excited to get to the game. They were giving away a new bobblehead doll (of Stephen's favorite player) and I didn't want to miss out on mine (I acutally ended up with 5 of them, thanks guys, lol). We found our box, with a little help, and while it wouldn't have been my first choice of locations, it was my own fault for ordering it a few days before the date. Stephen said that next year we are ordering it at the beginning of the season, and deal with who is coming later, lol. Actually though, it ended up not being as bad as I thought it would be, and Chuck and Sherry loved where the seats were because they got to see a lot of the behind the scenes stuff, and I really couldn't complain because it was in an area that Skates comes to alot, hehe. Plus, it was just so much fun being with everyone, and being able to roam around more, that it didn't really matter. I had a wonderful wonderful time, and I don't regret a minute of it.

The game was good, even though the wolves lost. There was a lot of fights though, which is one of my favorite things, and actually there was a huge fight that ended up in quite a few people being tossed from the game. It was fun being able to run into the room and listen to what the announcers were saying.

Some other highlights.. hmmm, Skates did black betty which I was totally excited about, and Jim caught a shirt in the t-shirt toss and gave it to me (thanks Jim, hehe). He was so cute when he caught it.. no emotion at all, put is hand up and it fell right in it. We were cracking up. It's a new shirt that I don't have either, and it's cute. I was so excited when he caught it. Chuck caught one at my birthday game last year.. we have a streak going.

The girls had brought stuff to decorate the box, and Cory made me a cake (of course she spelled my name wrong, she got y happy. I wasn't going to write that here, but we can't let her live this one down, giggle). It was so yummy, mmmm. They all bought me the greatest presents too (I love presents you know, lol). Cory of course got me the Sims, which I really wanted, along with some very comfy wonderfully cute pajamas. I so love jammies, and these are so comfortable. I have been wearing them all day (except for when I went to go workout). Jen got me this awesome frame, that holds sports cards. I so LOVE it, and I already put my wolves cards in it and hung it up. It looks so awesome. She also got me an adorable sweatshirt. Sherry got me a new purse and several new shirts, and pjs too. The cool part, they all got me larges, and they all fit, woo hoo. That felt really great, not only that they fit, but that everyone thinks that I am only a large, lol.

The game ended much too quickly. Jen, Don and Tricia all headed home, but Sherry, Chuck, Cory, Jim, Stephen and I decided to go out for a while. We went to shoeless joes, which is where I have wanted to go for a long time, but there was no parking. I was totally bummed, but was just happy that we were doing something. We found this little bar that had a band playing. Okay, it sucked, but we were together, and that meant a lot to me. We didn't stay too long, but we are going to all get together again soon, and go out to karaoke, which will be totally fun. I can't wait.

Stephen and I talked the whole way home about how wonderful everything was, and he kept saying... Vic, you really have some wonderful friends. He is so very right on that. They made my birthday very special for me, and I hope they know how much I love them, and how much I appreciated it all. Thank you!

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