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A Special Birthday
01-13-2003, 9:09 p.m.

Happy Birthday to Me! I have always loved my birthday. I don't care how old I get, I will always love my birthday. I love that everyone I love calls me, sings to me and wishes me good wishes. I was answering the phone all day long, and receiving singing messages on my voice mail, and I cherished every single phone call and good wish that I recieved. I am blessed, and that was evident today. It's been a wonderful birthday, one that I won't forget anytime soon.

I can't believe how many people called me today. The other day I was feeling sorry for myself, and feeling like I didn't have many friends... but today I am feeling silly about feeling that way. It's been a great day.

Jen came to take me out to lunch today. We went to this really fancy seafood restaurant, the kind of place that prides itself on the presentation of their food. Oh yah, we had a wonderful dessert too, and they even wrote happy birthday around the edge of my plate in chocolate, yum. It was absolutely scrumptious, a most wonderful lunch. Thank you so very much Jen, not only was the food awesome, the company was as well. I loved that you cared enough to drive down to take me to lunch today, even with your busy schedule. I love that we live close enough to each other now to do this sort of thing, all those years of wishing for it, the reality of it is even more than I ever hoped for. Thank you again for making my day special.

After lunch Jen and I ran over to JC Penneys to pick up a few pairs of jeans, since they are so cheap. I got 2 pair that are a little too small, something to work towards.. well one pair is really too small, but that is good.. I hope to be in them by the summer time. I like having goal pants, to try on ever so often, as you get closer to being able to wear them you feel really good.

When we got back to work, my daddy was there. I knew that he was coming, but I didn't think he was coming until later, but he got off a little early from work. He brought me a present from my mom, and then he gave me one from him too... awww, he got me an IPASS (if you don't know, it's a little box that you put in your car, and when you go thru a toll it deducts the money from it automatically). I have been wanting to get one since we take the tollroad so much. He put 60 dollars in toll money on it too, so I won't have to add any money to it for a while. My daddy loves me, hehe. My mom got me a beautiful sweater, and a beautiful trinket box that has to charms on it that say Best Friend. She put some money in there for me too. She also got me a couple of angel cheeks, these little figurines that she has been buying me a lot. They are St. Patrick day ones, and are adorable. She also made ma a new quilt, but she is going to give me that on Saturday, I can't wait to see it.

Stephen took me out to dinner tonight. We went to PF Changs. I almost asked if we could go another night since I had such a big lunch, but he was so excited about taking me, and I just didn't want to disappoint him. I was glad that we went too, it was really nice. Stephen has been so attentive and loving lately, and I have been enjoying spending lots of time together, and yum, PF Changs is awesome anytime. The food was wonderful. We had a nice time sitting and talking too.

We made a few stops on the way home. I wanted to stop at Fashion Bug and look for a few of their clearance shirts, but eventually I decided that I just didn't want to get anything. I am at an in between size right now, and I just don't want to buy anymore clothes until I start getting smaller now. When we got home, we were looking thru the add papers, and I saw that the double expansion pack for zoo tycoon was on sale for 20 bucks (it is normally 20 bucks for each expansion pack), so Stephen talked me into going to get it. Okay it didn't take much to talk me into it, hehe. It looks like fun, and now I really am going to have a lot to keep me busy for a while. I might never get any scrapping done, hehe, especially when I am able to exchange the Sims... hehe, blame that one on Cory, another person who totally went out of her way to make my birthday so special.. I can't believe all that she has done, I am humbled by it all. Then there is Tonya who sent me several awesome gifts. I only wish that she was closer, I miss her. I could go on and on about everything that everyone has done for me, but this would be so long. The important thing is that I know, and that it means so much to me.

Well, I am off to spend some time with Stephen. We are going to cuddle and do some other stuff and see if it's any different now that I am older, snicker. Okay, any reason for some loving, what can I say. Thanks again to everyone who went out of their way to make my birthday extra special. I am so lucky to have each and everyone of you and I know it. I will never forget either. I love you all.

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