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Recouping from the Weekend...

January 15, 2001

Happy Monday Everyone (smile). Wow, what a great weekend... what a great birthday. The worst part of it all, is that it is over! I think that part of the fun is the anticipation, the waiting, knowing that it is going to just be wonderful. I wasn't disappointed.

We got a late start to Sherry's, since I was having a bad hair day...ugggh, don't you just hate them? It's not supposed to happen on my birthday!!! First mistake was buying a set of hot rollers. I have never used them in my hair (except for the times when other people have done them), so why did I think that I was going to come out with this awesome style? When I called my mom to ask how come my curls came out in every single direction, she laughed at me. I figured she would be the best person to ask, since she puts her hair in rollers every single day. But she laughs, "Why did you buy rollers honey?"... "Well, because my hair is so flat lately, and I thought it would help"... more laughter "Well darling, I didn't want to tell you this, but everything goes flat when you hit 30. Your a** will soon be dragging on the ground, and you will find your boobs easier from the bottom of your shirt, rather than from the top". Gee thanks Mom... that helped (okay, I did laugh too). Needless to say, the rollers were not a hit with me, and it was back into the shower I went. All in all, I guess my hair didn't look bad, it just wasn't special like I had hoped for....still my new jeans and sweater looked pretty nice (smile).

Well, even leaving late, we made it to Sherry's in great time, so we had time to run up and sit for a minute. I got a few really cute gifts from Sherry and Chuck, and a really cute card as well. Of course, Sherry had to do her usually ragging on me about me being older (did I mention she turns 30 in less than 3 weeks?), but I am used to that since she has basically been doing it since we turned 12!

We got to the restaurant the same time as Cory and Jim, which turned out to be nice. Have I mentioned lately how awesome Cory is? She is just so much like I am, it is neat. She had a pin for me to wear that said, Kiss me, it's my birthday, and she made me a beautiful crown to wear. It was soooo pretty, it was silver stars and purple and white shimmery ribbon that hung down my back. I loved it, it made me feel special. Dinner was alright, nothing special. Sherry's dad had said this was a good restaurant, and it wasn't bad, but it really wasn't someplace I would send someone else to. We had fun none-the-less. I was a little worried about Sherry and Chuck and Cory and Jim meeting for the first time and all, but they seemed to enjoy each other's company as well, and we all really just had fun together... the conversation was flowing, and everyone seemed to have something to say. They of course had them bring out a little dessert with candles and sang Happy Birthday, and while that usually makes me turn all shades of red, I just felt loved.

After dinner, we headed to the Allstate Arena for the Wolves Game. I love going to Wolves games, I don't know why, I can't stand watching hockey on TV, but there is something about being at the game, and just enjoying it. The Wolves also do a lot of entertainment stuff too, well their mascott, Skates, does. And oh, those players... some of them are really hot! Stephen and I have even considered getting season tickets next year, since they are reasonably priced. I think we would have lots of fun if we did that, and I can really see myself becoming a huge fan. We had the best time at this game though. Cory and I were dancing, and Chuck was cracking me up, being so silly. Even Stephen was acting more goofier than usual, and it was just so much fun. The game was great, and the Wolves won 4-2. I think we are going to try to go to at least 1 more game this season, if not a couple more.

After the game, we headed to the Grand Victoria Casino. It is a pretty place, although not as nice as some of the others in the area. Still, it was a neat thing to round off the night. I was a little frustrated when we first got there, because Sherry left my camera in the car, and I really wanted to take some pictures. I know, I should have had it myself, but after the wolves game I had jumped into Cory's truck with them, and Sherry had my camera in her car. I have noone to blame but myself, but I was still frustrated. Oh well... The line to get on the boat was huge, and I was contemplating how long of a wait it was going to be, when this guy came up to us and asked what the occasion was. We told him it was my 30th Birthday, and after asking me if I was sure it was my birthday a few times, he was convinced, and as a gift gave us 6 VIP tickets. Wow, what a life-saver, instead of waiting in that huge line, we got to breeze thru the VIP line. Boy did we feel important there. Not only was the crown Cory made beautiful, it turned out to be useful as well. We had a good time at the Casino, although we all lost about 20 bucks. Still, you don't really go expecting to win (even though it would have been nice)... and 20 bucks isn't all that bad... Of course if you add it all up, we did lost 120.00 together... LOL, okay that sounds worse! Still it was a great time and I was really sad to see the night end. The best thing though is that everyone hit it off, and I can see us doing more things together in the future. In fact, I am hoping that we can maybe set up a *couples night* thing...maybe once a month. Should make for enjoyable times at the very least.

Sunday was kinda a quiet day. We didn't get home and into bed until about 3, so we slept until 10 Sunday morning. Man, I remember when I was younger... we would stay out until 6, so maybe getting older equals being more tired, LOL. Stephen plays basketball on Sundays, so when he headed out to his game, I ran to get some running around done. I did the grocery shopping and then went to visit with my future SIL and my nieces (My BIL also plays on the team Stephen does). They had little presents for me, as well as a little cake, and that was so sweet, and I enjoyed my visit. On the way home, I stopped at Best buy to get a CD labelling kit, and ended up buying a new computer game as well. I got SimThemePark. I love playing SimCity, so I thought I would give this one a try. Oh, if you like that sort of thing, it was lots of fun, and I spent hours and hours playing it. (Well I did stop to do other things, like cook dinner and stuff like that, but I kept going back to the game). In fact, I didn't quit and go to bed until 2:00 this morning. Ooops...and I wonder why I am so tired today. Go figure. Guess I will be going to bed early tonight.

I am so enjoying keeping this diary, but boy I am not sure that I know when to shut up. I am sure that my entries will be smaller at times... or at least I hope so, or I will never get my work done. On that note....

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