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In The Toilet

In the Toilet...

January 16, 2001

Last night, I got a new toilet. Not an exciting prospect by any means, but to me it was a great thing. See, our old toilet was leaking. The wax ring was done for, and whenever you flushed, you would get water from the bottom of the toilet. And I don't even want to think about what was in that water. Unfortunately, my husband is not the handy sort and him fixing it himself was out of the question, and so we have lived with it for about a year now. Most times it didn't bother me, it just meant that I had to wash the bathroom floor more often. But when we had company, then I would be bothered. Noone likes to have company unless their bathrooms are immaculate... well at least I don't. I would save the bathroom to clean right before any company would show up, that way it wouldn't be too bad, but boy I hated it.

Well, for the past 2 weeks, my Uncle has been coming back and forth between Chicago (where we live) and Indiana (where he lives) to do lots of work on one of my parents houses (they have two, one that they rented out for a long time, and was trashed by the renters, and which they are now trying to sell). Well since I love much closer to this house than they do (10 minutes compared to an hour), he has been staying with us whenever he is in town. Sooooo, I asked him... Please Uncle Mike, fix my toilet while you are here... Pleeeaaasseeee. He of course, was more than happy to oblige, after all we have been letting his stay with us, feeding him and all that good stuff. So last week, Stephen and I stopped to get the wax ring for it. Well, Uncle Mike wasn't able to do it last week, so he came in yesterday to do it. I can't believe that I was so excited, but finally a non-leaky toilet. He gets started on it, and finds that the bolts on the toilet are so rusted, and has problems getting them off. He kept teasing me saying "Well if I break the toilet, I will just buy you a new one, I have your Dad's credit cards" (he does too, since he had been buying materials for the house over there)... but he finally got the toilet off, without breaking it. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized... I want a new toilet! So off I sent Mike and Stephen with specific instructions. Not a cheap one, I want a good toilet, and none of this water saving stuff, I want a real toilet... LOL. Well they got one and it is a nice one, and they put it in, and guess what? It doesn't leak!!! I never thought I would see the day that I could get excited about a toilet, but I did!

Oh and a cute story here. Stephen was so excited when he got home from Home Depot. I guess he took a long time in picking out our new toilet seat. He wanted to find a comfortable cushy one for me (what a sweetie), and then he saw this one, and he said... that's it, that's it... it had a butterfly on it. Awwwww, he knows how much I love butterflies, so he wanted that seat...LOL. It was really pretty too... all white, even the butterfly was white.. so it wasn't gawdy or anything. One problem though... they bought a toilet that has an oval rim... and bought a round toilet seat (DUH). So, my uncle will be returning that today and getting one that works...Well it was the thought that counts!!

Another suprise that they brought me home was a new shower head, yipppeee, our old one wasn't that great anymore. The new one is awesome. I had a nice shower this morning, hehe.

And there you have it, a whole journal entry about toilets, and you thought it couldn't be done....

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