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So Swamped Lately

So Swamped Lately...

January 17, 2001

I cannot believe how busy it has been at work the past few days. I usually have no trouble at all keeping up with the flow of work, and in fact, most days I can even keep up with my email as well (which is usually no small feat). Well the past few days, I haven't even been able to check my email, let alone keep up with the flow of work. It seems like with every project I finish, they have already placed 3 more in it's place. The pile grows, as does my frustration. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being busy. If anything it makes the day go by quickly. The thing that frustrates me is that all 5 of the professors that I work for seem to think that their work is priority. Try telling one of them that they are just going to have to wait!!! Uggghhh. The thing is, I know that they appreciate me, and that helps a lot, but they do need to learn when to back off a little bit. I am only one person.

The worst thing, is that I am having to ignore other things that I really WANT to be working on. You know, the important stuff, like emails to Kristen and my groups, and conversations with Jen, Cory and Jo to name a few. Not to mention working on my website, and this journal. Oh well, priorities right. The funniest part is that when I get home at night, I have every intention of catching up with all the fun things, but then I end up getting caught in that SimThemePark game... Oops.. it is addicting, to say the least.

Well I had every intention of writing more of an entry today, and I had lots of things to write about, but work calls, and off I go...

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