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All The Glitters is Gold

All The Glitters is Gold...

January 16, 2002

I am in a bit of a pissy mood today, but instead of dwelling on that, and writing about it (actually I had quite a long entry typed, but changed my mind and deleted it), I am going to continue writing about my unbelievable weekend. Who know, perphaps it will get me thru this other crap a little better.

Let's see... Saturday! We had stayed up until 3 am on Friday (I think I wrote about that, but if not, yah we did), but we still managed to get up at a reasonable time on Saturday, perhaps a bit groggy, but that was okay. Tonya made us brunch, and then we played cards and did some other stuff, like watch movies and let Tonya paint our toe-nails, and all that good girly friend stuff. Somehow just the four of us being together is good enough, and we find ways to make the most of the time. Cory made us her awesome gravy for dinner, gosh it was so good, and then it was time to get going to the Wolves game.

I was so excited about this game for a few reasons... one, it was Tonya's first ever home game, and she was so excited about it. That really rubbed off, and I was looking forward to seeing it all thru her eyes, but the main reason was that it was just going to be so awesome being us girls. This was my first home game that I've ever gone to without Stephen, and that was a little bit sad in a way, but not really. I was so excited. We had pretty good seats, right behind the goalie's net. Cory was a bit worried about flying pucks though and kept her eyes on the whole game, which is totally a new concept for her, as she is more of a people watcher at the games. It was neat. Tonya and I right away went to find Skates to get our pictures taken with him. We had lost Jen and Cory somehow, but since we all knew where the seats were, we didn't worry about it too much. We found Skates almost immediately (as I am getting so good at doing) and we each got our picture with him and then one seperately. It was kinda cute having someone with me who got as silly about it as I do. It was fun.

The game was totally awesome, and I couldn't believe the action on the ice. The Refs sucked, and were letting so many things go in the first 2 periods, that it was a total free-for-all in the 3rd. I can't even tell you how many penalty minutes there were or how many game misconducts, but it was a lot. One of the neatest things that happened near the end of the game was that I got to see my first ever, in person, hat trick. It was too awesome, and what made it even more cool, was that the wolves had given away free visors that night, and most of them found their way on the ice. It was an exciting moment. The ironic part, is that the player who got the hat trick, Vigier, had also been picked for the all star game, and received his all-star jersey that night. So with every goal, they were playing the song, all star. The wolves won 7-3, and it was a very intense, wonderful game. I was so glad that it was such a great game for Tonya's first time. I remember how awesome the first game I saw was, and I think that is what hooked me on hockey.

After the game, as we were leaving, I said, let's take a few more pics first. We got this lady to take a pic of us together, and then we went in the hallway and started taking pictures of each other. Well these really cute, really drunk, guys came out of their box seats, and said, oh cool, you are taking pictures. We asked them to take some of us, and they decided instead, to take some WITH us. It was so funny, and the pictures are so hysterical. I crack up just thinking about it.

Then when we got home, Stephen did the most wonderful thing. He was calling to see when we would be there, and I didn't think anything of it, but when we pulled up, I did wonder why all the lights in the house were off, but then again, Stephen is known for not having lights on when he is home alone. So we go into the house, and there it is... a birthday cake with candles lit, a card, flowers and the most wonderful gift he could have given me. A collage of pictures on a bulletin board. Pictures from when I was a baby up until now. I was so touched and I cried. He must have been working on this forever, and I never knew it. He was sneaking pictures from my piles of to-scrapbook pictures, and I never noticed. I thought it was the most wonderful, romantic thing, and I was so happy. They sang happy birthday to me, and I was really just in my glory.

Then I saw a picture of me and Skates on it, and went to go point.. and said Skatessss, and got my sleeve all in the cake, LMAO. SO much for that. It was cute. I just had to wash my jersey for the next day, LOL.

We of course ended off the night playing cards again, as we are very good at doing that when we are all together. We also watched a bit of the 3rd period of the game with Stephen. He had taped it while we were there, since it was televised. We had gotten on the big screen at the game a few times, but we didn't make it on TV.... bummer. That's okay though, we had the best best best time, and I will remember it always... That song still is going thru my head from hearing it so many times that night... all that glitters is gold.. only shooting stars break the mold. I think I was a shooting star this weekend... it was one of the best weekends ever.

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