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Not An Elephant Anymore

Not An Elephant Anymore...

January 17, 2002

Thankfully, Cory and I talked earlier today, and were able to work thru the nightmare that was yesterday. I am glad, because there is nothing I hate more than fighting with my friends...okay fighting with anyone. I just hate fighting, I am not good at it, and I don't like doing it. So I guess that means that I am not an elephant to be not ignored (or something like that) anymore. I am not so sure I liked being compared to an elephant (wink), she could have picked a smaller animal, or at least a cuter one, giggle. I am just feeling SO much better about everything. So very much better. I hated hated hated it, and I am glad we are ok now.

I have been having a pretty good night. I went down the block and visited with my friend Kim for an hour, which was nice. I hadn't gotten to see her in a while, so that was nice. Stephen and I watched Friends together, and now I am watching Charmed. ER next. I love Must See TV. So, I even got two scrapbook layouts done tonight, yay. Now I am only about a year behind. This weekend I am going to go and get a new 12x12 scrapbook so that I can have a Wolves scrapbook. Actually, Cory had a good idea about having a Sports (Wolves & Sox book) and that is really a cute idea. So now I just have to figure out how I want to do it.

I have been feeling pretty good lately. I haven't had any pain in about 39 hours now. Okay, that doesn't sound like a lot of time, but it's more than I can say in the past few weeks, and the relief is just so awesome. I hope this means that I am almost thru this, and maybe even the other stone passed without me knowing it, that would be nice.

I am getting a sore throat tonight, hopefully it's still just left over from all the screaming at the games this weekend. My dad is still really sick, and so I am not going overe there this weekend like I planned to either. Getting sick is not my idea of a thing to do. I am just now feeling better from the stones, I have had enough of not feeling great to last me the whole year, giggle.

Now that I am not going to my mom's this weekend, I will be able to actually get all my Christmas stuff put away. It's about time. I cannot believe that I still have it up. I've never had it up this long before. I did want Tonya to be able to see it last weekend though, and for that I am glad. Now it's time to get it down. Jen and the kids are going to come over tomorrow night and keep me company while I work on it. Think I will get more done that way?

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