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Friday Five

Friday Five...

January 18, 2002

Here is Today's Friday Five. This one was pretty easy and didn't even require much thinking, giggle. Hey sometimes the easy one's are okay too. You won't learn all that much about me from this one, but what the heck.

1. What do you have your browser start page set to?

At work it is set to, but at home it's set to I use ATT to log on at home, obviously.

2. What are your favorite news sites?

A lot of the time, I just read the headlines at yahoo, or at att� but if there is something major going on, or if I feel like reading more� I usually visit msnbc.

3. Favorite search engine?

I mostly use, but a lot of times lately I use Google, or ATT.. depends on what I am searching. I am not all that particular about it. I seem to find what I am looking for pretty easily most of the time.

4. When did you first get online?

I first got online, in 1995 I believe. Sherry and the girls had recently moved out and I was pretty devastated. I missed Chrissy and June so very much and I was depressed for a while. Sherry had moved in with her mom to help her parents out, and they had AOL, so Sherry was on there quite a bit. Stephen told me that I should get it too, so I could talk to her during the day. I didn't even have a computer at home, but I ended up getting AOL to use at work. I didn't get a computer at home for about another 6 months or so. One of the first things that I did after I got AOL was meet Jen, and the rest, as they say, is history. I used AOL until about oh, 6 months ago or so, when I moved over to ATT. I used to be totally addicted to AOL, but I outgrew that. I did make lots of friends in the process though, and it was a great thing.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?

Well, I was SUPPOSED to go to my mom and dad's this weekend, but since my Dad is sick and I don't want to catch that, I've decided to stay home. I am sorta glad anyway, because I really wanted to get my Christmas stuff down (it's about time, don'tcha think).

Actually, it is shaping up to be a very nice weekend. Tonight, Jen and the kids are going to come over, for dinner, and to keep me company while I take down the tree. I told Jen that I wouldn't put her to work, but it will be so nice to have someone to talk to while I do it. Not that Stephen wouldn't talk to me, but well, it will be fun having Jen there. I am looking forward to that. Then tomorrow, Cory is going to come over for a few hours to scrapbook, and for lunch. Yay! Tomorrow night, I may watch Brian for my brother, and Stephen and I are going to watch the Bears game and the Raiders game together. Sunday, I plan on finishing my house, and getting it back in order. Then Stephen and I are going to the Wolves game. My kind of weekend! Friends, Sports and the Wolves (which technically is sports, but you know what I mean).

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