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A Nice Day
01-17-2004, 10:07 p.m.

Today has been a VERY nice day!!! We got up a little bit late, but hung out in bed cuddling, before I got up to make us breakfast. I had so much to do this morning, but I was taking my time doing it and it just felt nice. After breakfast, I got dressed and ran to the mall to get my dad�s and sister�s birthday gifts, and then made it to the gym. I only did 30 minutes on the treadmill today, but it felt so good, and it�s a start. Everyone keeps telling me to start slow, so that I will stick with it, and I know they are right. The important thing is getting back into a routine, and I know that 2 days does not a routine make, but it�s a start. I am actually looking forward to going tomorrow, and that is saying a lot. It is fun watching my numbers start to grow too�

When I got home, Stephen and I had lunch together, and then we hung out watching a movie, while I worked on my sister�s scrapbook. That made it a lot of fun, having him there, and I am so happy to say that I got it done. It turned out great too... I was so happy with it. After I cleaned up, we decided to go lay in bed for a while and watch TV� but really we wanted to fool around, hehe. That was VERY nice!!! It�s been a great day!!

We got ready to go meet up with my family for dinner. As usual, they were all late!! Which can be a little frustrating at times, but it wasn�t so bad. I guess. The bad news was that my mom was unable to make it. She has been really sick, with strep and the flu, and while she was pretty sick last night, she was hoping to be better to come, but as she was getting ready, all she was doing was throwing up, so she ended up staying home. We were all disappointed and we missed her a lot. Especially since we had a surprise for her, and were going to celebrate her half birthday� awww. We called her often though, and she was glad because she was sad not to be there. Still we had a nice time.

After dinner we stopped over by my in-laws, because they live a block from the restaurant we were at (in fact, it�s the same place that Stephen and I had our wedding reception, aww, hehe). We only stayed a little while, but it was nice. I finally took over the plate that I had made for her for Christmas and she LOVED it.

Now I am going to go spend some more time with Stephen. I like days like these. Tomorrow, Tonya is going to come over for the day, and I am excited about that. She is going to go to Stephen�s basketball game with me, and then hang out. That will be lots of fun. I am so proud of her, she has been putting in job applications all weekend, and she has an interview next week. I know it is hard for her, but she is doing so good! What a step in the right direction.

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