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Dinner with Family
01-18-2003, 11:21 p.m.

Tonight was nice. Mom and Dad came over here before we went out to dinner, so that they could leave Rocky here, and because my mom wanted to bring me the quilt that she made for me for my birthday. It is so pretty, and I already hung it up in the living room. Since they had to come back afterwards to pick Rocky up, Stephen and I decided to just go with them to the restaurant. We got there before everyone else. My brother and SIL were half an hour late, because he got off of work late, and my sister ended up not coming. She says that she has a toothache, and maybe she does, but it really was sucky that she just didn't come, especially considering that we were celebrating birthdays, including hers. Mostly, it bothered me because I could tell how much it upset my mom. Oh well, we were all sad she couldn't make it but we really had a good time regardless.

It was nice to spend time with Brian, Megan and Sarah, and my mom especially had fun loving on Megan. We stayed at the restaurant a long time, just hanging out and talking. Scott and Sharon invited us all back to their house, but my parents had a long drive, and so they decided that they wanted to head home since it was getting late. They had to take us home first and pick up Rocky to begin with.

Scott and Sharon gave me a beautiful beautiful pair of earings for my birthday. They said that Brian picked them out, because he said that they would look pretty on his Aunt Vicki, aww.. he told me he picked blue because my eyes are blue. He is such a cutie. They really are beautiful earings. Expensive earings (they left the tag on them, the goofs, lol). They are real stones, and they are perfect.. they are the exact style that I love, and they feel good on and don't bother me at all (I have problems with a lot of styles of earings, but these are great, and I know that I will wear them, I already am).

Brian wanted to sit next to me during dinner, and we kept getting in trouble for playing too much... oops. I was cracking up at him though.. he is such a cutie. He wanted my mom and dad to come spend the night at his house.. he kept telling them that they could use his sleeping bag. It was cute... the whole night was really nice.

I am so tired. I got up early to run some errands, both for myself and for Stephen's mom. I am going to get going to bed. I so want to get up tomorrow and workout. I am really going to concentrate on getting back on track tomorrow.. this was a really really really bad week for me, but I am not going to stress.. picking myself up and going forward.. one baby step at a time.

Now if I can just drag myself away from the computer. I played Zoo Tycoon a little bit today, and I really would like to play more. That, and I also exchanged The Sims today and got that all installed and ready to play. I haven't really played that yet, mostly just checked to see if it was working, and it is, yay. Man, I am never going to get anything else done with these games around. Tomorrow, I HAVE to work on my scrapping stuff.. I have to get some stuff done before next Friday, so I have no choice.... that is my goal tomorrow, at least until we have to leave for a retirement party that we have to go to.. but that isn't until early evening, so I will have all morning/afternoon. It will be interesting to see what I end up doing.. scrap stuff or playing my games.. hmmm, whatever will win out there, hehe. Only time will tell...

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