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With a Little Help
01-19-2001, 15:40:23

With a Little Help...

January 19, 2001

Well, I finally got some sleep last night, with a little help. I was soooooo tired around 9:30 last night, but when I laid down to try to go to sleep, I was wide awake. Stephen even came in to lay down with me and rub my butt, something which always makes me fall asleep, but it just wasn't happening. So, I gave in. I had one sleeping pill sitting in the cabinet, and I just couldn't stand it anymore. About 10:00, I took it. And I was out like a light by 10:30. I did wake up once at 1:00 to go to the bathroom, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, but I did, pretty easily, and slept pretty soundly until this morning. Boy, it's amazing what a good night of sleep will do for you, I feel soooooooo much better this morning.

This week has just flown by...I think I like being busy at work, at least then it goes quickly. Actually though, today hasn't been so bad. I have had a few things to do, but I also had time to catch up on some email, and work on some other things that I have been wanting to do. What a nice way to round off the week.


Almost time to go home.. yipppeeee.. Don't you just love that moment when you walk into the door on Friday's. You are home, and you don't have to go back to work for a few days. I think that has to be my most favorite time of the week.

It's been a pretty productive day. Well, I got all my work done early on, so I had the afternoon to do fun stuff. I used the time to work on the website that I am helping make for my internet group, Wed4Life. Cory owns the group, and actually that is how I met her. I thank God that I joined (Thanks to Leslie and Jo for encouraging me to do so)because I have made some of the greatest friends there. Anyway, Cory had some really great ideas for how she wanted the website to look, so I kinda just took them and went nuts. I have been trying to teach her how to do some of this stuff in the process. It's been a lot of fun to work on this together, and we agree on a lot of things, so we only argue once in a while, snicker. Actually, it's been great, and I am enjoying the results. I so hope that she loves the finished product. Did I mention that I just LOVE working on websites. Mine needs a lot of work still, but for some reason, I get more joy out of working on other peoples, and so it is easier for me to put mine off. One of these days though, I am getting there slowly, at any rate.

Well, almost time to head home. Hope everyone has a great weekend, I intend to....

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