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Slumber Party

Slumber Party...

January 19, 2002

Jen and the kids came over last night after I got home from work. In fact, they got here about 30 seconds after I did, how was that for timing? Jen brought a good pork tenderloin dish to make for dinner, and I made the goodies to go with it (mashed potatoes, stuffing and peas). It was a yummy dinner, and it's always fun to have someone to cook with.

I spent the rest of the evening taking down my christmas stuff (yuck). Somehow it always just seems so much more fun putting it up than it does taking it down. Jen helped a little bit, but Nicole was a huge help (I still owe her a couple of bucks too, hehe, gotta remember that). They spent the night, so that they could see Cory today and that we could work on our scrapbooks together. Unfortunately though, Cory called and said that she wasn't going to make it over afterall. Her SIL called and asked her to babysit, and well, that is still exciting right now, hehe.

She offered to come still, but she would have only been able to stay about 2 hours, and it just didn't seem worth it to make her drive an hour here, and an hour home just to stay for the same amount of time, so I told her I would take a rain-check for a day that she could stay a bit longer. I missed her bunches today. I so love working on my scrapbooks with her, and we haven't gotten to do so in a while. It was fun working with Jen though too. She did a whole scrapbook in the time that we worked (I got four layouts done myself, woo hoo). She did a scrapbook (her very first might I add) on the events of September 11th. She had saved all these newspapers, and she pretty much just cut and pasted them in the book. It looked really nice though, I am proud of her.

When we were done, everyone was getting hungry so I started dinner (Chicken and Rice, yum). While it was cooking, we watched the Bears game... don't even wanna talk about that one, bummer that it was. We ate about half-time, and it was really good, or at least Jen and I thought so, the kids were none too impressed, but then again, they are not impressed by much. Sharon showed up to bring Brian over too, and he had fun playing with Nicole until they left.

Jen and the kids left shortly after the Bears game, and then Brian sat down to watch cartoons while I cleaned the house some. Now I am watching the Wolves game (they are winning, yeah) and waiting for Stephen to get home. He is late, as usual, sometimes I just want to smack him.. one of these days I might just do that. Well, I guess I will go watch the game and maybe work a little more on my books. I am a bit burned out on it, but I am so far behind that I should start working some more. Maybe I will seperate picture and then get a few done tomorrow morning. I am so sleepy tonight, so hopefully Brian will want to go to bed early, yah right....

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