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Printers and Internet

Printers and Internet...

January 20, 2002

My printer hadn't been working right for a while, and yesterday when I tried to print out labels for the picture CDs that I made for Cory, Jen and Tonya (with pictures from our girls weekend last weekend), it just wouldn't work at all. I was really kinda bummed about it. I mean, here I am with this awesome digital camera and no way to print the pictures. I told Stephen this morning about it. He said that I should just go look for a new one, even though we really shouldn't. It is certainly not on the list of priorities, with all these birthdays coming up and all that fun stuff, but I really wanted to at least look. So I did, and I bought one, LOL..and I love it so much. I have printed out a few pics and they are so beautiful, they look like I had them done at the store, hehe. I like this.

I told Stephen that I would skip the Wolves game tonight, so that, that money could go towards my printer, but he said we could still go, awwww. However, I have a bad cold anyway, and I wanted to stay home and play with my printer, so I decided to just skip it. I am glad that we stayed home, although being at the game would have been fun too. Still, there are lots of games left....and now I got a printer that is awesome.

So AT&T raised our cost of internet...they went up to the same price as AOL and all those. I left AOL because of the cost, duh...well that, and because it sucked getting on. I have decided to give MSN a try though... anddddddddd, if I like it, I could in the next few days take my receipt for my printer back to best buy and sign up for a 2 year contract with MSN and get a 200 dollar instant rebate, which would make my printer only 7 bucks. Boy would that make me feel a whole lot less guilty and I do need an internet provider anyway, hmmm... I think I am going to do that. I hate to lock myself in for 2 years, but if I am going to be paying that much every month for the internet (which I am going to pay regardless of who I am paying it to), I might as well get my printer paid for in the deal. Works for me. MSN here I come...

So I had a really nice morning with Brian. We played hide and seek, and all sorts of fun games. We had tons of fun and I am glad that I got that alone with him. Stephen and I had a lot of fun with him last night, and we were cracking up because Stephen was messing with him, taking his pillow and he kept yelling at Stephen. We all watched the wolves game together on TV, and Brian was so into it, it was cute. He finally fell asleep around 11 or so. He wanted to sleep in the back, but in the middle of the night he woke up crying and came into bed with Stephen and I and cuddled (which is amazing, since he is really not a cuddly type...he is so like my brother). It was nice though, and this morning he said... "I wike sweeping with you and uncle steve" awww, sweet. He was in a real sweet mood today too and kept telling me he loves me. I'll take it.

Well, I was going to catch up on email tonight, but I think I am going to go cuddle with Stephen and watch a movie instead. I have an icky cold, so cuddling sounds nice...

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