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Always Harder

Always Harder...

January 22, 2002

Everything is always harder before it gets easier, at least that is the way it seems. I worked out today at lunch time, and I wanted to quit after 3 minutes, LOL. After 3 minutes, am I really that pathetic? I thought about my friends who are doing this with me, and I didn't want to let them down.. hell, I didn't want to let me down, and I pushed thru it. I did 25 minutes split up, half on the bike, half on the treadmill. It was so much harder than yesterday, but I am glad I did it. I can't wait for it to be easier... to be able to do more... to have it just a part of life, not so much.. if that makes any sense.

Hmmm, we were supposed to go to a basketball game tonight. Our nephews Jacob (11) and Eric (10) are in a league, only they are on different teams, and tonight the played each other. I really wanted to go. But Stephen didn't feel well, and I didn't want to go by myself, and I was exhausted, and so I napped instead. LOL... I feel like a bum. I should have went. I know they probably didn't even notice, but I would have liked to be there to see it anyway. I don't know why it bothers me, but I am disappointed in myself for not going.

I so wanted to work on a scrapbook page tonight, but I got caught up in a movie. I so love all these sappy movies on Lifetime. I could watch this channel all the time I think. My mom and gram too... we are lifetime channel junkies. Cory laughs at me all the time about it, because she hates the channel and these types of movies, hehe, but I love them...

It's been so busy at work this week and will be that way until after the first.. oh yay... but really I like working hard... I just like to bitch sometimes too.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I have blisters on my feet from walking on the treadmill today.. Ouch. I so need to use better gym shoes.
  2. I ate breakfast again this morning, and lunch and dinner... and I havent' snacked since dinner. That is the hardest part for me... I am such a night eater.
  3. I am so proud of Jen, Cory and Tonya for all their hard work too.. It's been a good day.
  4. Stephen and I tried out 3 of those 7 tips last night, giggle. It made for a late late night, and I was so tired today, which is probably why I took a nap.

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