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January 24, 2002

We had dinner with my in-laws tonight, for the first time in a few weeks. It kinda got all messed up with the holidays and stuff. It was nice as always and I am glad that we are back to doing it. I really do enjoy our evenings with them.

We started talking about the summer though, and I asked about our annual Dells plans. Seems that we might skip it this year, awww. Delores and Nicole are both pregnant, and while Delores is due in March, Nicole isn't due until July (July 4th in fact). So I guess that would kinda make it hard for them to go, so we might be taking a year off. I don't know how I feel about this, okay I guess. I mean, on one hand, I am sad about it, but then, I guess it will make my other plans more do-able. I just wish I knew for sure what they are going to do.. I do not do so well with uncertainty. I kinda like to know when I am going to do stuff and how and where and why.. LOL.. It is one of my bad points.

It's not like we are lacking for vacation ideas though, so I really can't complain. Tonya will be here in April for almost a week, and we are going to do lots of fun stuff... celebrate Easter, Go to another Wolve's Game, and go to Lake Geneva. I am looking forward to that a lot. Then we are talking about our Florida trip in July...the 4th.. but I do want to plan a vacation with Stephen and the girls still. I don't know what we will do, and I don't really want to plan anything until I know for certain that we are not doing the dells... ughh, see the not knowing thing, lol. It just doesn't sit right with me.

I called to make an appointment today with my OB for my annual Pap, and some other stuff... turns out he switched to another medical group, so I had to call and swich my insurance over too. I could have used a different doctor in the group, but I really like this doctor, he comes highly now I have to wait until March 1 to see him. That's okay, no rush.. only they didn't have their calander that far ahead, I have to call back on Monday.. hope I remember.

I couldn't remember his last name at first. It was rather comical, especially since they didn't have him on their list anymore when I was calling the place, DUH... in the middle of the conversation with this lady though, I scream out his name (it suddenly came to me). She bust out laughing, and so did I. It really kept me laughing for a while, which is probably a good thing since I didn't get frustrated with all these changes. Guess you had to be there, LOL.

Lady: Hello, Can I help you
Me: Yes, I would like to make an appointment
Lady: With who?
Me: Um, my doctor of course (cringing cause I can't remember his name).
Lady: Which one?
Me: Well I forget his name.. oh, but his first name is Dwight...
Lady: Okay, looking... looking... looking
Lady: (totally cracking up) I hate to tell you this but he left our practice
Me: Oh

Okay, it wasn't quite that goofy, but it was basically like that, LOL. Still I found him, and I will make an appointment for March... if I remember, LOL. Who knows I might forget his name again by Monday.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I did workout today, despite the fact that my foot is killing me. The blister is huge, but I just don't want to stop.
  2. I did 3 minutes on the bike, thinking it would be better for my foot, but then I decided that I really would rather do the treadmill, so I did 26 minutes on that.. and then 3 sets of 12 crunches with 56 pounds... Yay me!
  3. I had a small shake with dinner, hehe. Our favorite place to eat closes down for the whole month of February each year, so we ate there tonight with Stephen's parents. Stephen told me to get a shake that I love since I worked so hard all week, so I got a small one.. Hey, if I can't enjoy some stuff, I won't keep up with this.
  4. I am so sleepy tonight. I better get some sleep since Chrissy and June are coming tomorrow, giggle. They are good at keeping me awake.
  5. Today's pic of the day is a joke. Cory and I spent a long time at the airport waiting for Jen and Tonya in July and were doing all sorts of silly stuff and doing silly pics... well this pic is of Jen doing a *Cory*, so that we could show Cory how much we missed her at the airport this time. Cute, huh?

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