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Sick...Sick... and Still Sick
01-24-2005, 7:30 a.m.

I know that it's been a while since I've updated, and I really have meant to write more about my birthday and all the wonderful things that we did, but the truth is, I've been so sick that being on the computer is about the last thing I want to do.

I hate that I've not talked about my weekend with the girls though. We had such a great time in the Dells, Ton, Cory, Jen and I. We spent tons of time in the water park, and also at the casino and they took me for the best meals. It was so much fun and I will always remember it as being so special. The only downside to the whole thing is that by the time we got home, we were all so sick. Jen had a fever and slept most of the way home (you know she is sick when she asks someone else to drive, hehe). The next day it hit me, and Cory as well. Everyone got it, except for Tonya, who somehow managed to avoid this one, lucky duck. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how bad I was feeling, because I still went to lunch with my family the next day and now they have all gotten it too. By the time we got home from lunch that day, I was so sick, and knew that it was a big mistake going, but it was too late then. I swear, I feel like I've been run over by a semi. It's been over a week now and while I am feeling a little better most of the time, I still don't feel great. I can't wait to be back to normal again, this was a real fun one... not.

I didn't do much this past weekend. We were supposed to go out with my family, but since my mom and dad caught what I had, they are pretty sick too, and then on top of that, we had a huge winter storm and noone wanted to go out in that anyway. It was probably a good thing, as it was nice to just lay around and do nothing. The downside is that when I say nothing, I mean nothing. I've not felt like working on crafty stuff at all, everytime I try I just feel so sick, it's all I can do to lay back down again. I really hope this all passes soon. I had to be in early to work today for an exam and already I just want to go back to bed... going to be a long day, for sure. At least I can keep myself busy with silly quizzes (okay I need to be keeping busy with work, but it is so hard to concentrate on anything but the desire to be asleep, hehe).

What Color is Your Brain?

brought to you by Quizilla


At work: I like to be with people, sharing with them, inspiring them, and helping them. I work and learn best when I can take into consideration people and the human element. I flourish in an atmosphere of cooperation.

With friends: I always look for perfect love. I am very romantic, and I enjoy doing thoughtful things for others. I am affectionate, supportive and a good listener.

With family: I like to be happy and loving. I am very sensitive to rejection from my family and to family conflicts. I really like to be well thought of and need frequent reassurance. I love intimate talks and warm feelings

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