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Not Good at Being Sick

Not Good at Being Sick�

January 25, 2001

Well, I could try to blame Cory since she got sick first this week, and I did see her at her Candle party on Sunday, but the fact is, I have been feeling this one come on for a few days now. It just progressingly got worse, until last night, it hit it's peak. Or at least, I hope it's the peak, cause I would hate to think that it could get worse than this. When I went to bed, I was burning up with fever, and then I kept waking up in the middle of the night, with nausea and a horrible migraine. This is the first migraine that I have gotten in a few weeks which is amazing for me, but it was a really bad one. We only had Tylenol in the house, as that is all I can take when we are in a TTC cycle....but tylenol really does nothing to help... maybe dulls is a little, but the pain remains. By the time it was time to get up for work this morning, I would have sold my soul for a bottle of advil (which works oh so much better). Luckily Stephen took pity on me and ran to get a bottle, and then convinced me to just stay home from work today. I am so glad he did, although I can just imagine the amount of work I will have on my desk tomorrow. I can't even take tomorrow off either because we have an exam on Tuesday and I really have to finish getting it ready tomorrow. I did previously take half the day off tomorrow to meet Cory for lunch and pick up Chrissy and Bugs for the weekend, so at least I will only have to be there a few hours. Today though, all I did was sleep. I think it did me a world of good, even though I still feel pretty sick to my stomach. At least the advil helped and my migraine is now only a manageable headache. Thank goodness for that...

Stephen called to say he is on his way home from work, and I couldn't be more happy. Now he can take care of me. He doesn't like to baby me much when I am sick, he would rather just leave me alone....which isn't very fair since he is the biggest baby when he is sick (aren't most men though), and wants me to do everything for him. I hope hope hope that he doesn't catch this one. I am so not good at being sick. I hate laying in bed all day as I think of 1000 things that I could be doing instead, only I can't find the energy to do so. I do like to be cuddled and loved on, and since Stephen would rather leave me alone that doesn't work out very well. I so laugh about that one sometimes, because my friend Jen is the exact opposite. She hates to be touched when she is sick and her husband Don never leaves her alone... Why is it that we tend to marry men who are different in that area? LOL. Both Chrissy and June love to be cuddled when they are sick.. maybe I should drill into their heads now that they should find men who like being around you when you are sick, hehe.

I just hope that I am feeling better tomorrow. We have a whole long weekend planned, and none of it can be changed...eek. June's 7th Birthday is on Sunday and we are having a sleep-over for her Saturday night. Imagine a bunch of screaming little girls when you are not feeling good... Now there is torture for you....

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