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Roles Models and Such

Role Models and Such...

January 25, 2002

Chrissy told me the sweetest thing tonight. Seems that she had to write an essay for a school project, and what she had to write about were the most influential role models in her life. She said "A lot of my friends didn't know who to pick, but I knew right away, you and TT!!". Awwwww, I can't believe that she considers Stephen and I role models in her life.. it really made me feel pretty dang special. Things like that always do. We talked about it a little bit, but I was just so speechless...I really was. She also couldn't wait to show me pictures of the boy she likes, and to show me the letters he wrote her, and she him. I giggled with her, and then I asked her if she had showed her mom. She said NOOO. I said, how come you are showing me then? She said "because you are different, you listen and you tell me when I am wrong, but without making me feel bad". I also defend Sherry and try to explain to Chrissy that it is different for moms and daughters.. I want Chrissy to understand... but I guess that is something that only time teaches us. Still, I can't say that I am not flattered by what she said. She really is a great kid. My little Chrissy is growing up. And turning into a fine little lady too.

Chrissy and I went shopping tonight and bought June her first scrapbook set and a bunch of stuff to go with it. June's birthday is Monday, and I had promised her that if she got good grades, that I would get her some scrapbook stuff. She has been so anxious to start her own book. So after we got back, I took the time to go thru the 30 rolls of film that I hadn't seperated yet, and gave them both a ton of pictures for their scrapbooks. They were so excited and they have both been scrapping all night long. I am so proud of them both, and have really enjoyed watching them enjoy this. Chrissy's pages are getting so good, and June's.. well, they are pretty great for an almost 8 year old who is just staring. I think that they will so love having these when they are older too. Again I say, my girls are growing up.

Daily Tidbits

  1. My foot is killing me.. June has been rubbing stuff on it all night for me. I so hope that it feels better by Monday. No walking on the treadmill until then.

  2. I walked for 26 minutes today, and I felt good having done so. It was hard, with my foot, but I am glad that I didn't give up. Actually, I find that I do much better when I take a magazine rather than a book.. maybe because I don't have to concentrate so much on it...and it's bigger and covers the time.. The first 15 minutes flew by, then it slowed down, hehe. I also did the abdominal machine but only 2 sets of 12 today.

  3. I worked out every day this week! I am so proud of me. I really am. I can't wait to see how I do next week.

  4. I am meeting Cory in the morning to swim. I am excited...although in ways, I am feeling stressed, since I have so much other stuff to do tomorrow... sometimes I spread myself way too thin. I have noone to blame but myself though.. and I am sure I will manage to do it all, I usually do.

  5. It's almost midnight, and I am exhausted.. so goodnight!

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